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I've one. But what are you going to pay? And which method? Paysafecard would be great. 25€ and you can have it. There are other games like Cal of Duty but I dont play them.
Use GetPlayerVirtualWorld and make a for-loop. Like: pawn Code: stock SendVirtualMessage(virtualworld, color, string[]){    new i=0;    for(i<GetMaxPlayers();i++)    {        if(IsPlayer...
Now it shows: No vehicle in range .. lulz
Hey guys! I've made a fraction-car locking command so a fraction member can lock his fraction-vehicle. But this only works on the first created fraction vehicle. (fVehicle[0][..]) So here's my comman...
Thx, works properly. rep for you dude.
Hey guys. I'm currently using the MySQL R7 Plugin from BlueG and I have a fraction-vehicle system, so I'll be able to create fraction vehicles ingame and let them save and load, so the fraction leade...
How can I set the "attached 3d text label" position on the vehicle? When I create the 3d text label and the position is like "0.0, 0.0, 1.5" nothing happens. (It's attached to the vehicle!) Anybody ...
Quote: Originally Posted by FizzyCZ Hi creators. I have one such request. He would add public in style OnPlayerOpenChatBox? I think it would be a lot of cases the use of this Public. ---...
Hey, SA-MP forums. Before I write my text, please notice that my english is not the best, so try to "know" what I'm saying. A few days ago I had the MySQL R5 Plugin from G-Stylezzz. I took very lon...
Hey SAMP forums, Since I play SA-MP I want some new objects to create a whole new city which doesn't compare to the current city objects. I think many of those people here want new houses (tall hous...
Couldn't find any addon. @Mauzen: I'll send you a pm.
Hey guys, I want to get less quality on my pc with my browser 'firefox'. On my mobile phone I can choose "connect to ****** chrome servers to get less quality" on the ****** Chrome App. I already wat...
Quote: Originally Posted by dugi Finally can play the way it's meant to be played! NVIDIA back to topic: I like the new sync. I can't understand why some people hate this.
I think it's scriptable to let the server know it's "the head".
#close pls. I've found the problem.
pawn Code: stock LoadPlayer(playerid, inputtext[]){    new hash[129];    WP_Hash(hash, sizeof(hash), inputtext);    if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid))    {        if(!strcmp(hash, mysql_Retu...
@Sinner Yeah, but how can i do it? If i save an negative value it automatically set's it to -1.