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Quote: Originally Posted by NV1D3ATD Retira ese sistema de paнses 115mb lol nice job Si funciona bien el sistema, no le veo lo malo que pese eso ._. Quote: Originally Poste...
Quote: Originally Posted by ZigGamerx 1. Wrong section goto another language section 2. how 115mb file? :O No hay secciуn en espaсol, por eso lo publico aquн r_r There is no section...
Xtream Andrуmeda FreeRoam by SirDannyPanda (De Exteminio Latino FreeRoam) Siento no ponerlo en inglйs, no hay un espacio para el habla hispana, asi que lo posteo aquн, espero no lo borren. I'm so...
Quote: Originally Posted by ATomas name of image in .txd file must be "IntroxD" (like name of png file). I forgot that datalle, it works, thanks C:
Hello, I've tried to texturize other objects and they do not work for me (I import the .dff to blender) it only works with the cube that it brings from defect in blender, what do I do wrong? : / [Esp...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gammix Ok you can try using ShowPreviewModelDialog instead (there's an example in main post about how to use it). Let me know if the bug still appears with it ...
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS There are several threads about it with good responses that explain how to do it: https://sampforum.b...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gammix What do you mean? What's the bug if there's any? labels go wrong, do not appear or come out with repeated letters
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS It's done via custom models (0.3DL), so we cannot give it to you. Using custom models you can create custom sprites by adding a texture with the image you ...
They do not come out well, with the previous update it was perfect. PHP код: new string[132], DBResult:qresult, rows;     format(s...
28,500 I need to know that .dff and .txd were used, if you can give it to me. I also need the textdraw code, or some tutrial how to do it, I get a bad resoluti...
Quote: Originally Posted by StrikerZ Put return 1; at end of callback OnPlayerEnterVehicle in your script If you have the return 1
Quote: Originally Posted by dugi You need to post your code, this is not enough information. Custom models in TextDraw previews work for everyone so you must be doing something wrong. ...
Hello everyone, I do not speak English, so excuse me, my problem is this: I have created a custom object and it works fine, but when I put it with TextDrawSetPreviewModel (preview model) it does not ...
Buenas, no sй si este tipo de pedidos estб permitido pero bueno. Como sabrбn el sistema de carreras de Ryder su guardado de datos estб en Dini y al parecer nunca vi que lo pasaran a otro tipo de g...
їDe quй servidor viste eso? їY que lenguaje de guardado de datos usas?
Quote: Originally Posted by hydewhyd Tan simple como hacer una condiciуn que si no es administrador el jugador (x) le muestre el texto normal a los demбs, y a los que no lo son ponerle l...