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Anyone know if there's a problem with this and easy-mysql? Or Windows 10? I get error 19 but I've 10,000-times-checked files, folder, includes and recompiled it and tried earlier versions of this plug...
You need to show the code. The error basicly says you're trying to place a string in an array too small.
Sounds like you have server sided money for anti cheat purposes, there's nothing you can do unless you allow moneycheating inside vehicles.
Thank you both, I forgot about that! (It works now!)
Calculate distance traveled by speed instead, much easier and the code will be more efficient.
I made some debug print(..) The first image shows what it does if there's no match in the first loop, it is supposed to say "After IsInVehiclesList" when Both of the loops are done.
Here's my problem; I have created a function to loop through arrays with vehicle model ID's. I'm checkng if the vehicle matches one of the groups of models I've specified so that I can conditionall...
There are glass objects that are unbreakable. You can't make an object unbreakable, but just use DestroyObject and CreateObject in a timer if you want it to reappear.
And the problem? Btw once every second is a little unnecessary, if you don't expect the gamemode to crash very very often. I can see one problem, you are not opening the foreach loop, like this; paw...
Change the 'true' parameter to 'false' or just 0 on the SetTimer function. It is the Repeat parameter.
Simply gather players and have them do animations and do whatever, and film it. No different to how It's done in real life, other than It's in a video game and you type commands to move your body :P
You'll need to update your includes to compile all gamemodes and filterscripts as well.
Well, here it is; if you cannot understand It, you won't be able to rewrite it for PAWN, I'm pretty sure it was never written for PAWN anyway.
Try running it "as administrator". You should also try to set compatibility mode to Windows 7 or even XP.
300 You shall change the Salt, and keep it a secret.
"Open world gangster game Mafia 3 is set in 1968 New Orleans, 2K has said. It's a "reimagined" New Orleans. Here's the official blurb: Mafia 3 is set in a reimagined New Orleans in 1968, one of the ...
pawn Код: foreach(Bot,i){}foreach(Character,i){}foreach(Player,i){}
That is most likely your public IP adress, you need to get to the router (open up CMD and type "ipconfig" and look for the IPV4 adress called "Standard Gateway") to forward a port.
TOP pawn Код: // TOP OF SCRIPTnew infernusspawned[MAX_PLAYERS]; // the variable is already 0.// Each time you spawn an infernusif(infernusspawned[playerid] >= 5) return SendClientMessage(playe...