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Anyone? edit: sry for double post and bumping i didnt see its only allowed after 24 hours
when i enter some buildings Music plays and i want to loop it what do to? thats how i add it Код: PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "
ok now i did it like that but if i pick the skin i locked i still can spawn even if im using another name
i used this to lock my skin i made a "new myskin[1]; and putted "myskin[0]=" infront of the Addplayerclass and i used this to stop people from using it and this code isnt working i did it kinda same w...
But on some servers i played they could sit on it Hmmm
i got a problem if i type /sit infront of he couch he doesnt sit exactly on the couch he sits in the air infront of it here's the code the same thing is with /sleep Код: if (strcmp("/sit", cmdtex...
Okay i'll try it thx EDIT: wow it works thanks man i gave you a rep
i Scripted that every faction in the selection screen stand in different locations and they play animations but since i added different locations they dont play the anims theres one of the cases they...
i get these two errors C:\Users\Patrick\Desktop\Samp scriptin\gamemodes\lsgrp.pwn(750) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\Patrick\Desktop\Samp scriptin\gamemodes\lsgrp.pwn(750) : e...
Код: CMD:cuff(playerid,params[]) { new pID; if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"Faction")!=2) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You are no LSPD member."); } else { SetPlayerSpecial...
okay i made a basic cmd for /ganginfo but it always says Unknown cmd ig PHP код: if (strcmp("/ganginfo", cmdtext, true, 5) == 0)     {         SendClientMessage(playerid,COL...
always when i put this in my gamemode i cant run my server but i aint got any errors PHP код: CMD:o(playerid, params[]) {         new str[128], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];        ...