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Yes: new Text3D:MD; And still not working?
No ViniBorn, its wasnt working Can anybody help?
Okey, thanks I will try and tell you if it will be ok
Hy, I have a problem with 3Dtext for vehicles! There is my VEH system for COPCar!: Код: new Ambulance[5] for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Ambulance); i++) { MD = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("...
Haha no, but i was didnt have a time to make it smaller But btw help me
Hi, I want to tell me how do i set a background image in samp like this picture: And how do I change visibility of typing box!! HELP ME
But Can you make it if player want to sit as a passinger (suvozac) ! And if a player hold in hand deagle, not any weapon, just deagle!!! HELP
TOOO SRBINEEE!!! TAKO JE HVALA TI BRATE <3 Nego dal da uzmem Soluciju 2 ili Soluciju 1
Hy i need a script that player who want to sit in vehicle as passenger, he didn't can shoot with deagle!!! Can anybody make it for me? )
Yes, thats true! But can you help me how to I do that or can you make it for me?? ) PLEASE
Yes, but how I will make that, when I give somebody vips like command /vipdonate [playerid] and on that day will be started time for 30 days? Can I make this with Getdate?
Код: enum pInfo { pPolaganje, pKey[128], pLevel, pAdmin, pPromoter, pDonateRank, gPupgrade, pConnectTime, pReg, pSex, pAge, pOrigin, pCK, pMuted, pMuteAd, pExp, pCash, pAccount, ...
Ou, how to do that and what is it? HELP ME I will give you a +rep
Hy, I want to set a timer for a DONATED VIp days in my RP gamemod... Player can use vip 30 days, but I dont know how to set timer for 30 days and the timer will remove vip!
Ou no :O You must tell me how to do with NO WANTED POINTS!!! no just every kill
Hy I wanted to make a script for policeman ande civils! I use a RP mod! When Policemen kill the civils with no wanted level/points, the policeman goes to this position Код: 1326.2231,-911.3596,4...
I know! I was used a 3dtext and there is a problem! While any player runing, the 3dtext will move, up or down! And that is the problem on 3dtext, and I want to use chat bubble becouse the chat bubble...