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Hey everyone, I have this Problem, that this information I Wrote, saved in 11 Lines. But the Load System is not synced to the Save System. So the LoadSystem is synced to load Only ONE Line. So i n...
But I need it, is it possible to script the old CNPC by Maddin009 in 0.3e ? MfG Me
Hey, is there any way to build or script something like this CNPC ? Maybe, for aiming, that he is SetPLayerFacingAngle all the time, to the Player with /aim [NPCID/NPCNAME] [playerid] [Wepaon]. With...
Can u also make a tutorial, the other way around ? An NPC can aim at a player and shot at a player with specificied weapon ? /aim [NPCNAME/ID] [playerid] [WeaponID] and /shot [NPCNAME/ID] [playerid] [...
Thank you //EDIT Done it was the zcmd that every commnad answered with "SERVER: Unknown Command.". I have tested it now. Thank you its great. But it you hover right on the line. On the Right of sc...
There is some bug. If i shot with Shotgun for example or aim with Minigun my game crashes. Deagle is okay but some weapons are bugged than. Without FPS they are not bugged.^^ //EDIT Sorry, it happe...
I Just have one :O Textdraw0. It's called: "Anrufen! xD!" in Green and with White background color. It's the only one. And i cant click, okay i can, but nothing happens, no color changes and no mes...
Where to put ? and which parameters to use ? I have: Код: if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/mas", true)) { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_TEXT_DRAWS; i++) TextDrawSetSelectable(Text:i, 1); Sen...
Hey guys, I simply just didn't understand how to use it. This here: Doesnt work for me. I have textdraw and if i write /tutorial i have the mou...
I have the Idea, to: -have a handlings.cfg in Server Folder, so you can Change speed and data of all vehicles. -Make Real Vehicle Handling, like gear shift. You have N, so you can press w and there i...
Can anybody script it like that: Every Vehicle that spawns has a Label with Car Health. And if i stay here, and somebody who's in car crashed wall, i will see the Vehicle Health after that. Like this ...