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Thanks a lot ! one more thing : should I change public GiveStuffs(playerid) to GiveStuffs(i) too or not ?
Hi , I've scripted a timer that calls each 1 sec my map change system so I wanted to set pos/give weapons for teams in the MapChange system.... this is why I have this callback pawn Код: public G...
Quote: Originally Posted by RayDcosta i really dont think a lot of people here use that include. consider asking the creator of the include. and ur problem is explained in such a manner th...
Hi , I have a big problem when using RNPC include: (2weeks still didn't find the problem...) -I just noticed we can't create RNPC & set its pos in the same time pawn Код: public ZombieBot(pl...
I installed new windows still have the same problem xD
Hey , I have a problem when there is Dialogs or clickable textdraws ... I can't move the mouse it stills in the middle so I just have to use UP & DOWN keys to select items from dialogs... even can...
No I set it after NPC's connection I'm actually doing this : 1-The player spawns 2-start the ZombieBot timer (Waiting 4 sec). 3-spawing a bot in the player's position . that's all
Quote: Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus NPC's take lot of effort depending on how complex they are you can not solely rely on the forums for help every time you have a problem. Working with...
I switched to pawn Код: forward ZombieBot(playerid, target);public ZombieBot(playerid, target){        new npc = CreateRNPC("ZOMBIE"); // modified this        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:...
Thanks ! but it doesn't work , I don't know why...
Hi, I made a timer witch each 4 sec it spawns a zombie (within a callback) : pawn Код: //Sorry about the identation when I copy a code here ...public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)              ...
Oh thanks , u mean this one ?: it doesn't work for me IDK why I used the GM test the NPCs don't spawn... EDIT : it works
Hey , I have a problem in my server , the timer do things to all players should I change it to SetTimerEx ? thanks
pawn Код: YCMD:n(playerid, params[], help){new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;GetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z);BoxStuff[playerid] = CreateObject(1576,x,y,z,0,0,0,0.0);    return 1;} the problem is the obj...
Quote: Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty If you code it right you wont have any issues. At the moment I'm developing something that requires 100-150 bots at any one time, it runs on about 35mb...
Quote: Originally Posted by iZN I've never worked with the NPC with FCNPC, but that's awkward how come the NPCs are showing in score board? Also, 6 million pings is not valid at all, SA-MP...