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[Tutorial] Using BlueG's MySQL plugin R7 (with cache) this basically covers all the new additions to the plugins. since R7 the plugin supports only threaded queries. and introduces cache.
Try using one of the various text draw editors they will help you position the textdraw in the place where you want it and also generate the code for you .
pawn Код: SELECT `id` FROM `accounts` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s' LIMIT 1 i think its because you are selecting only the id from the table so what would be retrieved from the database would only be...
what a streamer does is it loads all the objects in a given radius of a player. this is useful when there is a large number of objects in a relatively small area as having objects exceeding the limit ...
my reply was directed to the person who made the post not to you. and in no way im attacking those that try. 1)i never told you about your problem i told the person who started the thread, obviously ...
Quote: Now, when you spectate or show a dialog before class selection, it messes up the F4 button. If you don't spectate or show a dialog and just let the player straight to class selectio...
Код: stock create_vehicle(vmodel, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:vrot, cola, colb, vowned, label_text[], owner[]) { new vehicleid=CreateVehicle( vmodel, x, y, z, vrot, cola, colb, 60*10); for...
Code: public OnPlayerEditDynamicObject(playerid, objectid, response, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz) { if(!IsValidDynamicObject(objectid)) return 0; MoveDynamicOb...
the length you specified for the password in the table is only 30 whereas the whirlpool hash length is 132 so only part of the password is getting matched with the hash string pawn Code: new FinalPas...
Quote: Originally Posted by VincentDunn Yea, you ladies need to take it on in a little private chatroom, not publicly display your love for one another on the SA-MP forums. lol'd this ...
pawn Code: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid){    new Float:HP,Float:A;    GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP);    GetPlayerArmour(playerid,A);    if(A > 0.0)...
Would this work ? Anyway nice tutorial its very useful in my game-mode thanks! pawn Code: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid){    new Float:HP;       GetPlaye...
i wanted to know whether the original damage given by the gun will be given to the player in addition to the health the script takes away from the player through. - ps: Sorry if i cant be understood c...
er with the on player take-damage callback wont the damage given to the player be the added to the health you are removing as it is called after the damage is given.
Well maybe some small stuff like, Swords small custom roads with the same texture and size but with different shapes like some curves and stuff, usefull for custom islands and cities objects for is...
Quote: Originally Posted by NewTorran Well i have found the problem, You know the filterscript fsdebug that comes with SA-MP server package. The OnPlayerConnect on there returns 0 Fixed ...
pawn Код: format(HouseInformation[houseid][owner],sizeof(HouseInformation[houseid][owner]),"%s",dini_Get(filename,"owner"));//line-295 With the above code i get the following error Код: D:\Pro...
Код: [11:21:35] vehicle Loaded, Owner:Ace_Flyer Location 2034.148193,1343.952148,10.820303 Vehicleid:/vehicles/0.ini [11:21:35] All owned vehicles loaded [11:21:35] vehicle Loaded, Owner:Ace_Flyer...
i think you may have put the include file in the wrong directory or maybe you are using the wrong include name
Quote: Originally Posted by SuperViper pawn Код: strcmp(PlayerName,ow,true) should be pawn Код: strcmp(PlayerName,ow,true) == 0 Still doesnt work :/