Search Results
Really cool. But I have a question, is there any way you can limit this FS to ONLY attaching one object (siren). I have a script /siren, but on each car, it's different... Please, help...
I have a script, where you get a camera, and can actually take a picture of a car and it will say it's speed.
Is there ANY way you can have a laptop system, and visit REAL internet like ******.com/ If there is, can some one please give me the link to it?
So far I have this pawn Code: public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success){    if(!success) //If the password was incorrect    {        printf("FAILED RCON LOGIN BY IP %s USING PASSWO...
Thanks man. It's fixed. +REP
So far I have this code from a GameMode, and when I do ((/siren roof/inside)), it won't do anything, It just displays the options. I didn't create this and just trying it out. Please help me. Here is...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jack_Leslie There's an fs for this. Use the search function. I searched all over ****** and wasnt able to find this.. can you gimme the link??
i searched but didnt find it... could someone link it for me please?..
Quote: Originally Posted by Backwardsman97 Try out this. Just read the comment at the top. EDIT: Just noticed you used zcmd like this. pawn Код: COMM...
Yea. Also how do I do it so the person who is doing the command, can do it only near LSPD. I think I know how to do it, but wanna make sure that I am right. ThX
Hi! I created this script and I need help. When I type /undercover, I want a vehicle (Cheetah) to pop up with a siren. I did that. And this is where I need help: I want player to press 'H' key and so ...