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I made a GPS system that use a timer and a loop to compare the distance between two players, but when I'll activate this function on ID 0, the distance goes far far away from the real distance. КоÐ...
Quote: Originally Posted by grand.Theft.Otto Anyways, you're saying you want chat to be disabled when they are in Class Selection, but when they are spawned, you want it to be enabled ? ...
So, if someone can help me I want to make a system to disable messages to a player. ex: If I'm on Request Class, and people type messages in chat, I can read them, but I want to make a system that I c...
Como eu faзo um esquema para mim poder ver as stats de quem estб offline? ex.: /stats fulano, aн se ele estiver off, vai mostrar as stats que fica no "nome dele.ini" Obrigadгo aн galera
Coloque a linha Код: new cmd[256]; na public OnPlayerCommandText.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lorenc_ His doing it fine, I mean I would perfer one timer than a server with heaps of players running a single timer at a time. Does 'distance' work or what's...
What can I put on my function "GPSUpdate"? I must check position between 2 players, but in "GPSUpdate" i must use only 1 var "i" (cuz is from my loop). for example: Код: public GPSUpdate() { new...
Quote: Originally Posted by BlueX entгo use a varivavel id pawn Код: new id; Nгo posso usar new id; pois cada variavel criada somente pelo "new" irб retornar 0, ou seja, sempre ...
Quote: Originally Posted by BlueX Olб, pelo que eu vi no wiki, ele diz assim GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,playerid2); playerid - Primeiro Jogador; playerid2 - Segundo Jogador; Ou...
Bom, venho por meio deste tуpico, pedir ajuda sobre um sistema de gps. Minha seguinte dÑŠvida й: "Como eu pego a distancia entre dois players, sendo que nгo posso usar playerid e apenas i" ex: КÐ...
Enfim galera, eu usei o search, porйm sem sucesso... Gostaria(por favor), que alguйm me ajudasse a fazer um sistema de gang em dini/dcmd. Nгo precisa ser ajuda em cуdigo, pelo menos algo esquemati...