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Quote: Originally Posted by FalconX Hmm I think yes; if you're talking about UTF8 encoding and decoding, check this thread: Hmm, I ...
public OnFilterScriptInit() { timer1 = SetTimer("isPlayerInArea",100, 1); timer2 = SetTimer("BankTime", 999, 1); } return 1; } You are opening a block, then closing it twice.
I have been browsing the internet most of the day trying to find a way to make certain letters from a string in the script show correctly. This includes the scandinavian ЖШЕ. Is there any way to i...
SetPVarInt( playerid, "God", 0); KillTimer(God[playerid]); SetPlayerHealth( playerid, 100); SendClientMessage( playerid, COL_GREEN, " "); // I add COL_GREEN which is defined if(GetPVarInt(pla...