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Quote: Originally Posted by omarhassan sorry now i make a servers hosting for free Give me a free server then..
hey guys, i can record and put NPC's in the drivers seat but why can i not put them in the passenger seats. i tried recording them in each seat and yes i am using PutPlayerInVehicle so can anybody tel...
Quote: Originally Posted by © ŦĥЗ ǺĽẽẌṖŎịŚỘń Code: PutPlayerInVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seat); seat = passenger (0 (driver), 1 (co-passenger), 2 and 3 (passenger's)) ...
wow lol you think that i am not trying that? ... >.< Code: if (OnDuty[playerid] == 998 && TaxiTest == 1 && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; ...
sorry to bump an old thread but i really want to know if anybody has been able to do this, because i took a stab at it and have had no success i tried recording with them as a passenger and on foot ne...
just get the cops position and set the cuffed players position constantly behind them until they are uncuffed
sorry you want to try and make it into an AMX? EDIT: the script won't compile you need to read through it and find out what is wrong with it because it's just crashing the compiler EDIT2: i just rea...
you have 2 Код: new NameTimer; 's just delete the one that is not needed
then instead of making a new public use the one which is already in existence use CTRL+F and search OnGameModeInit and place your addstaticvehicle in there
why not get away from the old ugly menu's and use dialogs?
the right public your looking to use is this Код: public OnGameModeInit() { AddStaticVehicle(419,997.3894,-929.4922,41.9768,99.4327,47,76, 76); return 1; }
ohhh i totally miss understood.. yeah i think those co-ords do look at little odd Код: TextDrawCreate(8.000000,426.000000,"Make me have text"); those co-ords are for a textdraw just below the ma...
Quote: Originally Posted by Beaver07 Quote: Originally Posted by campkz GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -10000); would that make the player have 10000 less, if not how do i do thi...
Quote: Originally Posted by [ECR SancheZ ] Hi GuyZ, I got a problem, i made a textdraw like this but it isnt there...: New: pawn Код: new Text:ecrls; OnPlayerConnect: pawn Код...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mobst3r111 public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate) { new string[128]; new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new Float:Vehhealth,vheal...
search bar helps? and try making something yourself and explain what you mean... because pCarKey system means nothing