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Figured it out, keeping this post alive in case if I have another question
Yeah, thanks though logitech, @twisted.. still the same line.
Logitech.. How would this help? It didn't work and the only thing I see you changed was the Variable.. But my properties variable is Owner, not PropertyOwner..
Код: C:\Documents and Settings\john\Desktop\RCTDM\gamemodes\RCTDM.pwn(483) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "[" C:\Documents and Settings\john\Desktop\RCTDM\gamemodes\RCTDM.pwn(483) : w...
Код: INI_String("Owner",PropertyInfo[propertyid][Owner],100); Is the first line.
Hey, i'm adding a property system to my TDM so players can own different misc properties. but i'm having an issue with the reading. Код: C:\Documents and Settings\john\Desktop\RCTDM\gamemodes\RC...
Thanks skribblez, helped a lot. Repped.
Hey, I need help with my textdraw.. I have it so it'll show the player Kills and Deaths.. But when the player stats update.. The new number just lays over the old one. How can I have it delete the old...
Texas Life was a VXRP edit, Southern Life was a texas life edit, therefore making it a southern life edit, and it copies Red County Roleplay Extremely, so lame script in my opinion, next time create s...
I have that their.. But thats to set it to what the current engine state is. pawn Код: else if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)    {        new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);     ...
Hey, my question is VERY simple I think, Where Could I put pawn Код: {        new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective;        GetVehicleParamsEx(i, engine, lights, alarm...
You can use OnPlayerTakeDamage for sure, Example JUST AN EXAMPLE TO TAKE HEALTH WITHOUT TAKING ARMOR pawn Code: new Float:health = GetPlayerHealth(playerid);if(GetPlayerWeaponID(playerid)==0){  Â...
SetPlayerScore(playerid,YourPlayerVariable); EX: SetPlayerScore(playerid,PlayerInfo[playerid][pPoliceRank]);
Look over those lines, see what function it is, type in ****** the function, then samp wiki should come up, then it should show you how the function is and how many arguments it has, then you would ju...
I'll just bump this instead of making a new topic.
Ok, well Imma use OnPlayerTakeDamage, but how could I do this, just make the 9mm and silenced 9mm stronger? Because my way seems to fail.
I used onplayertakedamage then some one above recommended I used OnPlayerGiveDamage? I'm so confused right now.. The first way I had it, there was a bug so if they had armor, you would shoot all their...
I took some from your script.. But that makes it so they dont lose armor, just health.. heres my new script pawn Код: public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid){   ...
The script is ment to make it so if they have armor, the 9mm/silenced 9mm will take away 40 armor instead of the default. But everytime I get the armor gone, and down to the health, it refills their a...
pawn Код: new Float:health,Float:armor;    GetPlayerArmour(playerid,armor);    GetPlayerHealth(playerid,health);    if(GetPlayerWeapon(issuerid) == 22 || GetPlayerWeapon(issuerid) == 23)  Â...