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Fixed it with reinstalling those microsoft visual packages...
Hello I have Windows 10 OS. I've downloaded sscanf2 from here: sscanf2.dll is in my plugins folder, sscanf is included in my scripts and the script is re...
I have this: Код: enum IgracPodatoci { Lozinka[512] } new iData[MAX_PLAYERS][IgracPodatoci]; When i try to change that value to something: Код: iData[playerid][Lozinka] = "asd"; I get this er...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Код: Parameters: (row_idx, const column_name[], destination[], max_len = sizeof(destination)) Means you have column name and destination switched....
Quote: %e specifier escapes a string so we can avoid sql injection which means we don't have to use mysql_real_escape_string BTW i get this error Код: [21:10:25] [ERROR] cache...
Hi I have troubles with the new MySQL version. I can't get string value: Here is the query: Код: mysql_format(ServerDB, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Lozinka` FROM `igraci` WHERE `KorisnickoIme`...
Hello... I'm planning to start programming new gamemode from scratch. So i have some questions because i can't decide what should i use. What's the best command processor (fastest). Also i'm planning...
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos That calls commands which were built with ZCMD. /timestamp is a client command, it won't work. @NeroX98: I don't think it's possible even with ...
Is it possible to hide players timestamp and after logging on the server forcing them to see the timestamp through code ? I'm talking about the client command /timestamp ?
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos Thank you... REP+ Quote: Originally Posted by Dutheil Hi NeroX98 you can use ...
Hello scripterzzz ! I'm trying to make registration system, so i need the players to write their birth date in the following format DD/MM/YY and then convert it to Unix timestamp and save it on my My...
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus You can't even really check if a textdraw is valid without a plugin. Wow, This plugin has a lot o...
Hello scripterz! Is there any way to see if the textdraw is destroyed without making variables ? Also if i destroy one textdraw twice or more, what would happen ?
Okay guys, Thank you for your info Luv ya
Quote: Originally Posted by Sawalha yes, since it's a global variable Yeah but i'm afraid if there are about 50 players on the server and at the same time one player disconnects and one...
Hello, I have a question about strings. Can i use one universal string for all purposes? For example: pawn Код: new UniversalString[126];public OnplayerConnect{   //Other Code   format (Univer...
Hi I need to put 600 slots but when i start the server it automaticly puts 500 slots... HELP !
Oh my fckin god... Thank you lol :P REP +1
WTF is problem in this code: pawn Код: new bizquery[256];format(bizquery,sizeof(bizquery), "UPDATE biznisi SET bKupena = '%d', bSopstvenik = "%s" WHERE BiznisID = '%d'", BiznisInfo[b][bKupena], Bi...
Hi guys, I have problem with making anti-cheats and other stuff when i have to set a variable and after some time to check it because the server in the same time when its changing the variable he is ...