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Код: if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) return 1; new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname)); ne...
Well, to be honest, it can be hard to detect when a player gets awesome stunt money. But it varies from 3-500? I am not sure. Go test what the highest value you can get. Well, now if a player gains $2...
Quote: Originally Posted by newbienoob Try SetPlayerHealth(playerid,0) under OnPlayerDeath This would fuck it. The health is already 0. The player is bugged that's why OnPlayerDeath isn...
Is there any function released or a something releated to holding down a key? Well, would it be like a timer? if(newkeys == 128 ) blahh ... and again and again? Well, that would make it tapping..
Now I do not know if this was intended to be done this way, but if you assign a textdraw to be clicked, and if another click-able textdraw is on the same or near the same Y axis coordinate of the scre...
Can y_ini do that? Or, any other ones that might do that? Will it be like including stuff outside the pawno/includes file, like #include "../bla/bla.a" Well, in that case it is clear to say that when...
Well, do I have to register(and if so, at the store I buy the card?) the card I buy or something? Paypal will not be able to compare what I put in and what is what, and will the process be successful?...
Would prepaid visa cards, which we buy at the store, be able to make a payment of a host? I ******d but nothing came up, all the related questions were about adding the visa card to the paypal accoun...
Pictures are up. New download link. The previous was broken.
Quote: Originally Posted by HarlemSAMP OneBip is the worst shit i ever seen You got that right. Can't even enable countries, I mean Jesus.
Hello all This is my second release on helping you and your server in any way. This filterscript will not allow those stupid rhinos fly all over the place and get stuck on trees where only monkeys ca...
Quote: Originally Posted by BigBaws if(!NameIsRP(plname)) ^fail. Where is this function, eh? Код: stock IsValidRPName(playerid) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; if(IsPlayerCo...
This is easier. Код: new Text3D:teamlabel[MAX_PLAYERS]; new TeamNames[][]= { "Team 1", "Team 2", "Team 3"//the last one must not have a comma "," }; public OnGameModeInit() { for(new...
Put this before the other ones.. Код: TDV_Hitman[2] = TextDrawCreate(267.000000, 126.000000, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~"); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDV_Hitman[2], 255); TextDrawFont(TDV_Hitm...
Those are just warnings that do not affect your script in any way. search for traler1missions and if you comment "/* */" "//" them these warnings will disappear.
Quote: Originally Posted by mrsamp Yes? Still not working with #define <streamer> Not "define", you aren't defining anything, you don't need to define it. You are including it. #...
#include streamer ?? #include <streamer> - Like this. You know that you are running them on a filterscript, right?
Just use y_ini man.
143 < easier textdraw creator..