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Convert it to SQL then? dini is redundant.
You made your own SQL-dependent script, but are asking this question? Yeah, seems legit.
It helps if you provide us with the error. You're missing a square bracket after 'tempAdminName'
At least try to learn what the warning means, this is possibly the simplest warning / error the compiler can throw at you.
Quote: Originally Posted by n00blek At lines 83 85 87 it says undefined symbol mysql_idk something Write new mysql_fetch_field(playerid, params[]) above of all mysql fetch field lines(1 ti...
Needs retexturing and some more work
Too much big empty space and it looks out of place
Damn! I'm gonna have to move the entire thing, then. I can't really cover it without it being noticed and it's in a very awkward place; there are no non-collidable objects which are only visible on on...
Remember to include quotes (apostrophes ' ') in strings PHP код: A_Format (str, "WHERE `Nombre` = '%e'", pName (playerid)); 
Change %s to %e, because %s represents a string (the name) which you need to escape. %e escapes data directly. Do not change %d or %f; they are integer specifiers, not strings. Here's a simple guide.....
You need to escape strings (anything which isn't an integer (which is a number, such as 1, or 394832 for which you use %d) or a floating point variable (such as 180.0000 for which you use %f)). So, in...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jefff Propably you need find materialindex, txdname, texturename in this object and next set invisible color SetObjectMaterial(objectid, materialindex, modelid,...
It doesn't show up on the SA-MP map editor for some reason
I've just spent a couple of hours mapping this... please tell me you can get rid of it somehow.
Minecraft and SA-MP are not comparable. I myself ran a very successful (and yes, very profitable) Minecraft community from 2012-2014, I would never be able to do that here; it's not feasible.
Do you mean an interface to view database information? phpMyAdmin
Why are servers being booted off the hosted list?
Sorry, I didn't read the OP in the first place, just the errors. You can't upgrade from R7 to R3x/40+ without making significant changes to your code, there are plenty of guides and tutorials on the...
Are the errors coming from your gamemode, or from an include? If they're coming from your gamemode, provide the code please; we can't see what you've done wrong without the code. str is a common stri...