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Quote: Originally Posted by NaS This sounds like IDs messing up. Although I have no clue how the "Back" TextDraw gets there if it's not even created anywhere. Any Filterscripts or includes...
First off, I hold you both in Very high regards in your scripting ability, alot of what I do can actually be traced back to you guys and your scripts/help for other people. Quote: Originall...
Here's the Issue: I have an Array and the Textdraw Variables are saved in it. pawn Код: new Text:VariableHere[14]; Now when I get a player to click on the Textdraw and go to OnPlayerClickTextdraw...
Nothing Original here. Its the same thing seen by all Battlefield servers.
Quote: Originally Posted by Spliffy Never used this, but I am sure it works due to the comments Okay, I tried that, and it says ev...
Quote: Originally Posted by Spliffy I have the same issue with my script, I just click on the sides and in matter of like a minute it compiles, even though it said it stopped working. Try...
It acts like it is then about 30 seconds later, it says "Pawn Compiler Library has stopped working"
I'm not 100% sure why, but my compiler keeps on crashing while I try to compile it. I think it has something to do with a piece of code because I have had that issue in the past. I would like some he...
Quote: Originally Posted by Y_Less Thanks for fixing this, the part fixing the "P2" lines isn't required as they are just debug messages, but thanks anyway. Ah okay, I wasnt 100% sure, ...
Quote: Originally Posted by itsCody This fixed OnPlayerTakeDamage however OnPlayerGiveDamage it doesn't seem to compile correctly. error 025: function heading differs from prototype, and ...
Look over the fix again, I updated it because I forgot 2 parts lol. Should work now. This was updated pawn Код: P:2("Hooks_OnPlayerGiveDamage called: %d, %d, %f, %d", playerid, damagedid, Float:...
Here GG - This forum requires that you wait 240 seconds between posts. Please try again in 1 seconds.
*EDIT* This has been updated to fix some errors that have been found by some people. This should be working now! Enjoy! - 1/17/2014 If you are having this error Код: error 025: function heading d...
I'm not 100% sure as to what this will do however, if you open pawno > include > YSI > y_hooks > Find public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid) should ...
Couple of things. I found this by looking for a thing for the dialogs from ******. (Grats to ******) As soon as I saw the title I just about shit myself. I opened the page and what did I see? Amazing ...
Quote: Originally Posted by jessejanssen After reading everything here I thought of something what would be much better in my opinion, I'll show you; pawn Код: #define MAX_RANKS 18new ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** There are several problems: 1) You missed the colon after each "case" statement. 2) "swich" actually enumerates EVERY option, "0 .. 10" is just a shortc...
Interesting piece of code, Nero did very well on that one. However, This little piece of code. pawn Код: GetPlayerRank(playerid); I assume is something else you didnt give me, or is a piece of c...
I made this stock, and it stalls out my compiler, I know its this specific code because I removed it and it worked. Anyone have any insight as to why this is happening? And if its the way the code i...