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Quote: Originally Posted by zT KiNgKoNg To start off, why are you hashing the password? The password in the settings file is plaintext unless you've created the has beforehand and used tha...
PHP код: $query = new SampRcon($_GET['ip'], strval($_GET['port']), md5($_GET['hash'])); if($query->connect()) {      $query->setWeather(2); } else die('Can\'t connect...');  ...
I'm tying use PHP код: $query->setWeather(2);  but samp console say Код: BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: Any ideas? I'm using [PHP] Query and RCON API:
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder My bad, it should be... new PlayerTexts[MAX_PLAYERS][1000][128]; It should never crash pawno, if it does there is an error in your code... Change 128 ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder Just change new PlayerTexts[MAX_PLAYERS][1000]; to new PlayerTexts[MAX_PLAYERS][1000][]; On empty size I getting: Код: error 009: invalid arra...
My challenge is: Код: new PlayerTexts[MAX_PLAYERS][1000]; ... for(new i=0; i<mysql_num_rows(); i++) { mysql_fetch_field_row(fetch, Choosen_Row); PlayerTexts[playerid][i] = fetch; } ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Simeon87 Код: new PlayerTexts[MAX_PLAYERS][1000][1024]; ... PlayerTexts[playerid][0] = "The first string"; PlayerTexts[playerid][1] = "The second string"; ...
I have this array, how I need to remake it to store strings? Код: new PlayerTexts[MAX_PLAYERS][1000]; Because now I get: Код: error 006: must be assigned to an array Array info like this: КÐ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Can't be done in Pawn. All array sizes must be known at compile time. My code works properly, but I just can't use array in oter code locations.
Hello, I have a question. How can I make array size by mysql_num_rows? I doing this: Код: LoadSomethingToArray(playerid) { mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table"); mysql_store_result(); new a...
Hi, I'm creating player groups script and I don't know how to do multiple groups for one player, I have this code: Код: #define SetPlayerGroup(%0,%1) SetPVarString(%0, "Group", %1) #define GetPlay...
Quote: Originally Posted by PowerPC603 You have an array of model-id's and coordinates, and you want to create those vehicles with a loop? Something that.
Really I need for loop Код: for(i=0; i<=sizeof(cars); i++) Just I don't want to create Код: cars[0] = ... cars[1] = ... cars[2] = ... cars[3] = ... ... It's easier: Код: cars[size] = { c...
I know this use is ok: Код: new array[2] = { 1, 2 }; But is any way to make something like this: Код: new cars[2] = { CreateVehicle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 200), CreateVehicle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, ...
Hi, I have small problem with string get from file. Код: locale(locale[], variable[]) { new file[128], info[500]; format(file, 128, "locales/%s.txt", locale); info = dini_Get(file, variable);...
Код: for(new i=0; i<sizeof(taxi); i++) { if(vid == taxi[i]) { if(pInfo[playerid][specialybe] != SPEC_TAXI) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Negal...
Код: for(new i=0; i<sizeof(taxi); i++) { if(vid == taxi[i]) { if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, i)) { if(pInfo[playerid][specialybe] != SPEC_TAXI) { ...