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Ton setplayercamerapos est mal rйglй .
nonono there is no probleme with my code it is a bug of 0.3e and 0.3a too i have an idea to solve that probleme but radical solution and it is to change the enter coords but i dont wanna that Song ...
Hello papi there is already a lot of this things that you call a siren FS . wherever welldone.
Hello friends since 2 months i found a freaky bug but ididnt give it too much attention but now it starts really Pissing me of . when i get out/in some interiors the cars streamed near that interior ...
The script mays be a good one i didnt try it but seriously the Prйsentation sucks!!
Je l'essayerai surement plustard peut йtre que je pourais amйliorer le mien en analysant le tien , merci du partage :D Sinon est ce que зa block les Nop de Sob ? je pense pas!!
Bonjour, J'ouvre le bal йspйrant que les nouveaux y participrent . En Dcmd c'est ce que j'utilise. pawn Code: dcmd(deagle,6,cmdtext); pawn Code: dcmd_deagle(playerid,params[]){    #pragma unu...
ce n'est pas trйs prйcis, even there is better
hah thats funny, like it dude
Quote: Originally Posted by dj_william This is a very, very useful filterscript. Takes roleplaying to the highest level, of amazing. Rep+++++++ Quote: Originally Posted by N...
hйhй nice, continue ainsi shidony
nice script dude Une attente de 120 secondes est requise entre chaque envoi de messages. Vous pourrez retenter dans 11 secondes (suck my ***)
OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME , nan juste jocking what a fuck is that ?