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Код: `vip` = %d, unnecessary comma at the end
Have you tried closing the file every time you log and opening right before logging? It shouldn't be much more taxing than it currently is, but don't take my word on it.
Your Userpath is setting all users to be saved as "PATH", playername is ignored. If your "PATH" ends with a \ then do PHP код: format(string,sizeof(string),"%s%s",PATH,playername);  If ...
Oh boy your code is quite a mess. PHP код: new sqlQuery[700], desc[64]; mysql_real_escape_string(HouseInfo[houseid][hDiscription],desc);     format(sqlQuery, sizeof(sqlQuery), "UPDATE...
You're looking for SetPlayerMapIcon, list of icons can be found here: MapIcons You're looking for map icon id 0.
Код: [01:52:15] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 400, format: "UPDATE `houses` SET `HOwnerID`= '%d', SET `HOwned` = 1 WHERE `hID` = '%d'" You have a second "SET" in your format. "UPDATE...
Replace HouseInfo[houseid][hID] with houseid on BuyHouse mysql format.
return 0 on the OnPlayerText, you can add your own stuff there. Direct example from wiki. PHP код: public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) {     new pText[144];     format(pText, size...
Also the Код: mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `HOwned` = 1",HouseInfo[houseid][HOwned]); part is unnecessary because you already defined the value. EDIT: Also this ...
Have you checked out the mysql field for the 2nd house? Does it say HOwned 1 or 0?
It is more than likely a problem with how HOwned is being loaded/saved, or how your houses are created. Can you show how those are handled?
Do you mean once he's attaching it or if he has it already attached? PHP код: public OnTrailerUpdate(playerid, vehicleid) {     new id_veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);     if(G...
Quote: Originally Posted by lbrown I bought the script from the owner since they no longer want to run the server. Then you should contact the person you bought the script from, you're ...
Your code is very weird. The last part with playername is completely useless, and you're sending 1,100 message to everyone in the server. Here's a cleaned up version, try this. PHP код: for(new...
What are you trying to do? Sell all houses in the server?
In carData, you use "carOwner" has an integer, but in the format you use it as a string. If you want to use carOwner as a name, define it as a string in the enum, by making it into PHP код: ca...
Seems to be a problem with sizeof(HouseInfo[hid][HName]). Replace it with 30, since you deny inputs longer than 30 characters anyway.
Yes that's how I meant it, did you test it? What this format does is basically HName = inputtext now. EOS stands for End-Of-String, but I dont understand why he used that in his context, maybe he can ...
PHP Code: inputtext[30] = HouseInfo[hid][HName];  Sets the 30th inputtext value as 0. If you want to set HName to inputtext value, you need to use PHP Code: format(HouseInfo[hid][HNa...
Quote: Originally Posted by N0FeaR Why u want to convert into non-mysql? Most likely a leaked script that he wants to work.