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My server goes crazy if it can't connect to the db.. It have to print one time "** Server couldn't connect to the database, try again.. **" that, and one time this ** Server couldn't connect to the ...
Hi, What is the best way to load properties of my DB into enum. It has to be an efficient way.. So every property individually seems not good. Suggestions?
What is the most efficient way to load an account from MySQL? (example)
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** The numbers on the case statements are in the wrong place - they should be before the colon, not after. Oh >.> I didn't see that Thx!
Why do I get these error by this part of my script:
I have a problem with this lines Код: format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `accounts` (`username`,`spassword`,`emailaddress`,`ipaddress`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", Cname, Cpassword, ...
Thanks for answering! Like this? Код: stock MySQLConnect() { mysql_debug(1); if(!mysql_connect(SQL_HOST, SQL_USER, SQL_DB, SQL_PASS)) { if(mysql_ping()==-1) { print("Server failed to c...
Hi, Why isn't this working? I turn my WAMP MySQL off to test it, but the text won't be printed and the server doesn't close. Код: stock MySQLConnect() { mysql_debug(1); if(!mysql_connect(SQL_...
Hi, Simple Question: What is the best streamer for Pickups and MapIcons? Thanks
Nice and thanks!, I see where the info will be set if it is an int, but where does it set the info if it is a string?
How do you mean? Can you give an example?
Yes, thats what I want. This is how I use this function (example): SetPlayerInfo(playerid, "WarnReason", "DM To Much"); //SetPlayerInfo(playerid, info[], newinfo[])
Hi! I have another question. My function give some errors Код: stock SetPlayerInfo(playerid, info[], newinfo[]) { AccountInfo[playerid][info]=newinfo; return 1; } Код: \pawno\i...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** The fact that you're loosing connection during the query is the most major issue! Have you correctly opened a connection and where is the MySQL server r...
Thank!, but it doesn't fix the bug Код: stock IsUserNameAvailable(playername[]) { new esc[24],query2[256]; mysql_real_escape_string(playername,esc); format(query2,sizeof(query2),"SELE...
Thanks for your answer! I'm new with MySQL, so it's possible that I make some stupid mistakes. It's still not working, sometimes it shows that it does exist, and sometimes it shows that it doesn't ...
This function doesn't work, and I don't know why. The mysql connection information, and table information is not wrong. Anybody? The Function Код: stock IsUserNameAvailable(playername[]) { for...