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make a count and on player death make the killerid team's count go up?
Quote: Originally Posted by Armqus_FIN No, I was looking a FREE helper ^^ But I found it now oh alright
Quote: Originally Posted by tal_peretz :O What? I just want to check if today is saturday what the problam............. Its Thursday Today Hope That Helps If Thats What You Wanted Lol:P
Quote: Originally Posted by Angeleno I used SetVehicleVelocity. thanks :P
just a question how did you make the vehicle drive by its self or did you drive it?
could you explane it a little more? do you mean in REAL Time? or SA:MP Time?
its extremly hard to explane i made a video but il try basicly when i enter a work checkpoint it doesnt run that checkpoint code it runs another checkpoint code and it just gets buggyer everytime u g...
ingame type the command : /headmove and their ya go :P
when i enter the race checkpoint it doesnt destroy it... im using Incogntios Streamer heres my code on "OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP" Код: public OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP(playerid, checkpointid)...
also you wont get auto banned unless it was scripted it just says that
you could hide it from the main script like this Under OnPlayerSpawn Код: ShowTextdraw(playerid); And At The Bottom Off Your Gamemode Код: stock ShowTextdraw(playerid) { TextDr...
no you cannot those were built into SA:MP So making a command like /save or /interior would'nt affect it
try this Код: stock ColouredText(text[]) { enum colorEnum { colorName[16], colorID[7] } ; new colorInfo[][colorEnum] ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Madsen you only needs the last return 1 all the others are not supposed to be there. no it dint work at all it made it worse
Quote: Originally Posted by iPLEOMAX Mind sending me the codes that you sent to Wesley? I might be able to help you. Or even better, post the buggy part of the code here. ok well il po...