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Yes, but I'd like someone could explain me what kind of attack is that one. It affects only sa-mp connections. Is not like DDOS that crashed my internet and even restarted my router! Is a server targe...
Before I had similar attacks over only one port: 7777, so I changed to 7778 and it worked! The players know that alternate server because I used when I was attacked. But now I tried to move server to ...
Someone's is attacking my server blocking the ports (I suppose). When attack starts the server appears as "offline" and nobody can enter in, but the players inside can play and the server works right....
Is due to that : Filterscript 'Maps.amx' load failed
The syntax is: Код: #include "../include/"
Quote: Originally Posted by KamalBa after i do it look what happened SERVER:Bad admin password. Repeated attempts will get you banned The rcon password is defined in your server.cfg fi...
Ñ— Para que te sirve la variable PlayerSpawned[playerid] ?
your variable cannot meet the conditions you put together in while try PHP код: for (new a = 0; a <= 311; a++) {     if ( a <= 101 || ( a>= 128 && a &l...
Los vehнculos debes crearlos una sola vez en OnGameModeInit porque tal como lo haces se crearan los tres cada vez que se conecte un NPC, sea el que sea. En OnPlayerSpawn simplemente monta a los NPC ...
First, reason has to be a string so declare Code: stock PublicKick(playerid, kickerid, reason[]) and the inside brackets are not necessary Code: {"Invalid Password.","s-0beit"}
You don't need a function for that, define a simple array with the messages Код: new ServerReasons[][] = { "Reason 1", "Reason 2", ....... "Reason n"}; Kicklog(playerid, ServerReason...
You can also do that, no matter if is in a stock function. As I said stock is a normal function you pass paramethers and get results (save in a file or send to chat)
stock acts like normal function, but if you don't use in the script then is not compiled, saving memory. If you want to show text then each case has to include: SendClientMessage or similar... КоÐ...
Try this: Код: new String[128]; String = strtok(params, idx); if (!strlen(String)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "[USAGE]: /gotopos x y z"); new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder They are not objects. They are literally actors. In GTASA all pedestrians and mission characters are actors. Your player is a character. SA-MP's NPCs ar...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kar FINALLY, GTASA PEDS. THANK YOU KALCOR. SA-MP just took a big step up. *look at how everything totally forgot about all the bugs that needs fixing though lo...