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Well made tutorial! Easy to follow and well written!
It's just game mechanics.. You cannot simply "remove" it.
Quote: Originally Posted by JAMMIEISFTW RCON admin mode please... ALSO Please be scripted in DCMD please That is not a friendly way to ask people to script for you. Also, place request...
You are adding a static pickup with type 2. You can see what that means here:
Hi ChrisRed, Please show us some screenshots or anything that may help us to understand your problem. Normally, you will not lose HP when you ram things with your car. Or, are you trying to address s...
Briefly went trough your code. Looks nice, well done on releasing this.
Hi there, i'm trying to move my server to a linux distro, but i haven't been able to let it run yet. Somehow the amx gives an error, while the other .amx'es which came with the samp download ran fine!...
Quote: Originally Posted by TopSecret You did fclose() on 0 file handle May i ask how you can tell? I'm sometimes trying to read this crashinfo, but it would help to know how to make th...
Well without the script (which actually contains the instructions, which are clearly invalid) i can't help you.
No, you can't do if - else if, and then nothing. You can only do if - else or if - else if - else if- else.
Saringan, you can't expect people to just instantly have a solution. We are not your personal army. Try asking questions that help you script this yourSELF.
You do pawn Код: else if(Admin[playerid] == 1) try doing pawn Код: else (Admin[playerid] == 1) The script might assume there's another if clausule coming, and therefore ignores the else if, ...
Can you provide a screenshot? Is it the compiler that gives this error? Or the samp-server.exe? Also, please show the script, because that may contain errors.
Please show us your code, like what you have under OnPlayerRequestClass.
First, connect to your two databases like this: pawn Code: new mysql1 = mysql_connect("","root","mydatabase","mypass");new mysql2 = mysql_connect("other ip","root2","mydatabase2","mypass2")...
Try this pawn Код: COMMAND:admins(playerid){    new string[64];    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS+1; i++)    {        if(PlayerInfo[i][isAdmin] == 1)   ...
Mm i'm trying to picture what you are doing.. what is the movecamera for? Also, try doing it like every 200ms or something.
Very important in TheKillers' solution, make sure you add LIMIT 1 to the query. It makes sure you only get 1 row returned when looking for inacitve rows.
Try printing every function call to the console. Could it be that your function needs more than 75ms to execute? Also, what are you trying to do every 75ms?