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What do u think could are the problems? [20:25:54] [debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)" [20:25:54] [debug] Stack index (STK) is 0x6480C8, heap index (HEA) is 0...
Код HTML: [16:31:47] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [16:31:47] [debug] Accessing element at index 8 past array upper bound 7 [16:31:47] [debug] Backtrace: [16:31:47] [debu...
Problem: Passenger can switch on or switch off the engine. Request: I would that only the driver can do this. Someone have a solution? Thank you.
Introduction: Command 'carica' for job (ID: 3). Request: I would to add others functions for others jobs by using the same command. PHP код: CMD:carica(playerid,params[]) {         ne...
I need your help to implement a progress bar for hunger. The code of progress bar is: PHP код: new Bar:fame = CreateProgressBar(549.00, 59.00, 55.50, 2.50, -1444744193, 100.0);  ...
Quote: Originally Posted by [MG]Dimi IF you need position use all given params: pawn Code: forward MusicInArea(playerid); public MusicInArea(playerid) {     return PlayAudioStreamForPla...
Quote: Originally Posted by [MG]Dimi IF you need position use all given params: pawn Code: forward MusicInArea(playerid); public MusicInArea(playerid) {     return PlayAudioStreamForPla...
Quote: Originally Posted by Drebin You don't need to check if player is close to certain point before playing the sound. PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(); has coordinate params so you can make t...
Hi friends, I need your help. I want that, when IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,30,2347.0178,-1980.7462,13.176, the player can hear a particularly music. I used this method: PHP Code: forward M...
Hi, I need that someone explain me how I could create a counter with GameTextForPlayer. Example. With a Trashmaster I go to a point and I perform /command. This command send a nearByMessage and,a Gam...
Is not realistic. I have never seen such large cells like this and specially with a gate like this. I appreciate the attempt.
Ok I'm sorry. Staff can close or delete.
Quote: Originally Posted by scottygraham1990 you are not meant to sell your maps on here I didn't know that. There is a section where I can sell it?
Hi guys, here u are my work. The Police Department's interior. I spend few days to make this map. Here the map's rooms:Hall 1 Hall 2 Switchboard Dress room Archive 2 Offices Meeting room Refectory Inv...
So, I found these lines, I don't know... Код: stock RegisterVehicle(ownerid,vehicleid,pre_plate[],vpricex) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, plate[128],modelid,sql[128], line[1024], ...
Hi friends, I have a problem with the vehicle system implemented in my gamemode that is connect with a mysql database. The problem is the following: - When I buy a vehicle and I go offline, the vehicl...
Quote: Originally Posted by fabriziobondi PHP код: public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) {     new str[1024];     GetPlayerName(playerid,NAME,25);     format(s...