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Код: #define Log(%1,%2,%3); if (logtype & %2) { printf(%1, %3); } and: Код: #define LOG_MYSQL 1 #define LOG_INIT 2 #define LOG_VEHICLE 4 #define LOG_PLAYERSTATE 8 #define LOG_C...
Код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { Log("[PLAYER]Gracz %s został zespawnowany.", LOG_PLAYERSTATE, P[playerid][pNick]); if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) { CzyscGracza(playerid); SetPla...
ok, I changed plugin versions to R6 - mysql works, but now OnPlayerSpawn don't works -.-'
Hi, When I use the function "mysql_ping" of plugin BlueG ... My server crashing. Please help. Код: -------------------------- SA-MP Server: 0.3e Exception At Address: 0x714618A8 Module: (MSV...
hi, my problem is that it asks me DCMD SERVER: Unknown Command Define dcmd: Код: #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && ...
Welcome to whether it is possible skryptowo (in PAWN) do function to move player from server to server? Do I have to write a separate plugin?
What a way to connect to the Internet? DSL, internet radio? I once had a problem with DNS on the internet radio. My modem was wrong and had to enter the DNS for the IP addresses.
More or less. So far the maximum TextDrawa ID is 2048, and as I delete and add TextDrawy? That something happens?
Y_Less, yes of course, gettime is very fast, but I'm can't use this function. If PAWN to have as many options as php, it would be good, but unfortunately no.
Hello, my next question is pretty weird: Is it better to do a lot of timers to the map, whether it is better to make a timer that is just more complicated? Next: How can I understand TextDraw Limit?...
And how to move from unix time to "Normal"?
Hi, i need Script Modification, which calculated Unix Time. It's about the time in seconds that has elapsed since 1 January 1970.