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Quote: Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan Yes. Once you've purchased a slot on you can enter the IP of your server to be on the hosted tab. wow that blows i have to host it ...
Quote: Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan You don't, you give them the IP of your server to add to the hosted tab. Game-MP doesn't provide server hosting if that's what you're asking. s...
ok well how do i upload my server files to them?
ok so im going to pay to get my server on the hosted tab blah blah blah and the only site i know that does this service ( i think) is serverffs and i get this message why? does anybody else get this a...
stop bumping ur thread your only allowed to bump every 24hours
it doesnt work like that!! use incognitos streamer because you can only have 1checkpoint at a time
how would i make it so if your name is "Cookie" your allowed to spawn as skin (0) and if your name isnt cookie it says "your not allowed to use this" thanks
use the functions settimerex and killtimer
you can only bump every 24hours dont bump every hour
Quote: Originally Posted by deather You need to use strtok to extract the password the user types and if it doesnot exist then ask him to type. There are many registration systems in the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by deather You cannot modify predefined function headers simply because you get errors. When you get errors you have to blame yourself and try to correct your code...
Quote: Originally Posted by deather It depends on how good & fast you are in understanding the dcmd macro. well i dont understand it lol need somebody to convert it for me hint hin...
Quote: Originally Posted by deather Why would you change the function parameters - OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[],params[])? The header of the function - OnPlayerCommandText is...
Quote: Originally Posted by Nero_3D read the dcmd macro and understand it, afterwards it should be to hard to do that But I advice to zcmd and sscanf 2.0 k but i rly just need these 2 ...
ok so i have this cmd Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[],params[]) { if (strcmp("/register", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { if (PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]) return SystemMsg(pl...
theirs a object limit of 1000 because they cant get streamed at the same time if your going past 1000object suse incognitos streamer
how would i convert this command Код: dcmd_register(playerid,params[]) { if (PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]) return SystemMsg(playerid,"{F81414}Your Already Registered!"); if (udb_Exists(P...
Quote: Originally Posted by MadeMan Saving: pawn Код: dUserSetINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("vip",vip[playerid]); Loading: pawn Код: vip[playerid] = dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid))....