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Just ran into a problem with the plugin not loading with x64 Redistributable Package on x64 system. Download and install x86 version of the Redistributable Package and all is well.
This is caused by GetTickCount() overflow after 24 days. Check the Wiki about it and how to avoid such issues.
When retrieving a timestamp from MySQL and converting it using your include, it spits out a 2017/02/01 date, even though it's 2017/01/29. Here's a working fix/replacement:
Quote: Originally Posted by wallee This is nothing new, but nice of you to warn us. Quote: Originally Posted by PrO.GameR This isn't anything new, It's been used for a long ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Assign the dialog id to the variable rather than just 0 or 1. Then you can compare it directly in OnDialogResponse which provides an extra layer of protec...
Hello SA-MP forums! Very recently, experienced a big influx of item duplicating which was caused by the DialogHider.cs CLEO modification. We of course knew that the items were being duplica...
It's not possible, no. You could create your own death messages using textdraws and that way you could show IDs and what not.
A server can't force-hide the link. Clients can use the command /audiomsg to hide it themselves.
You already have the function udb_hash defined somewhere in your code.
You can create a simple stock function that does that for you. Код: stock MaleFemale(gender) { new string[8]; if(gender == 1) { format(string, sizeof(string), "Male"); ...
I would suggest using zone names which would allow you to do exactly what (i think) you want.
Yea, I was thinking of using MySQL, but the map editor I expect to be used by mappers and they wouldn't bother installing XAMPP or any other MySQL private server software just to use a map editor, you...
You need to reset your player variables once the player disconnects. I'm sure you have a player enum array which stores stats like money, skin, etc. You'll need to reset those when the player disconne...
Quote: Originally Posted by Jonny5 pawn Код: // example  SaveToFile("objs.txt","CreateObject(param, param, param, param...);");stock SaveToFile(path[],text[]){    new File:handle = ...
I have decided to make an in-game map editor which would load/save projects in the scriptfiles folder. It would save player created maps in the same format as they are used in scripts. For example: ...
Quote: Originally Posted by KillerDVX Try this one : PHP код: new Float:animX, Float:animY, Float:animZ; new anim = GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid); GetPlayerPos(playerid,Â...
You could create a script that draws small gang-zones on the map, but it's not worth the performance impact it might have. And just as prineside said above, a 32x32 map icon would take up all of the m...
Quote: Originally Posted by SukMathcuck Lag? PHP код: foward OnPlayerUpdateEx(); public OnPlayerUpdateEx() {     for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)     {   ...
Quote: Originally Posted by SpikeSpigel Not working , both ways.. These are my variables. Код: //CALLSIGN new textcallsign[MAX_VEHICLES]; new arecallsign[MAX_VEHICLES]; Change t...
Quote: Originally Posted by KillerDVX To create Objects on the ground, Check out : And to take it, Check out :