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Quote: Originally Posted by Kar No we don't have the same issue. @Karagon, I did mention that when the website is DOWN, did you try that? To be specific, slice's mailer include... www.**...
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS The http function seems very unstable to me. It randomly crashes the server for me, tho doing the same thing over and over again (getting a simple html page...
This is the BEST source of that information in a general sense.... I suggest you to take a good look at everything there! Direct link to documentation: htt...
Haha, pretty nice. I remember seeing a game like this on Crash Bash for the ol' PS1. Good ol' times
Quote: Originally Posted by Saddin Is there any other way to hack ? If you block remote RCON, with rcon 0 in the server configuration, the only way they can get into it is to log into ...
No one noticed that you were gone.
It's not a database issue - It's never happened before, and nothing has changed in the database. The server has also been restarted twice in the least 3-4 days, and he had issues then. He can connect...
You messed up with your indentation and your braces. Keep your code neat and things like this won't happen. Check out the amount of curly braces before the "listitem 3". You're ending "response" befor...
Quote: Originally Posted by ToxXiC Source code comming soon! Maybe you should include the source code, since there's lots of things you can do to screw up our computers. Also, I believe...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Err, no: Well, there you go. ****** has figured it out. But either way, it states that it can take an ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sgt.TheDarkness And Change your RCON password to something containing upper and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers, it's a very good way of securing it I...
1) Is "string" large enough to hold it all? 2) Is "plname" large enough to hold the name? 3) Is your name Lenny_Kraff? 4) Are you sure there's a Lenny_Kraff.ini in the scriptfiles/accounts folder? If...
Looks like to me "_" is being escaped to something else. If the file's name is "Lenny_Kraff.ini" and it's not finding it still, try: Код: GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname)); form...
Quote: Originally Posted by Koske Can you send us a pic what it looks like? They are already in the topic - I posted it with them.
Quote: Originally Posted by Robert West Good , but the speed is always 0 ? I tested this exact code and it never shows speed always 0. If that's the case, then you may have not used i...
kSpeedoKaragon's Speedometer System - Version 1.0 Features: -4 Part Speedometer Filterscript -Displays Vehicle name, fuel level, damage level, and speed (KM/H) -Fuel Level and damage level changes c...
Quote: Originally Posted by [Cali]ChrOnic how to set someone admin (example /setadminlevel 0 3) Have them exit the game, edit the player file, putting "AdminLevel=" as "AdminLevel=13...
Please excuse any bump or "omg noob post bumper" I may have caused within you, but I do have a question! After experiencing lag on my script, I decided to put this plugin in, and see what's causing i...
It should be fixed with what I said on IRC. But, one of the things I see is this: Код: for(new i; i < sizeof(TERRORCAR[]); i++) If it is that or not, I'm nearly sure. If it's not that, it's t...
Quote: Originally Posted by Baba_oweo Hello Karagon, I am going to create a server with your GameMode and I noticed that commands are missing: ' ( /pc /robskill (etc..) /rules Good...