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Could someone please tell me how to add people to factions? I have this GM on my test server and I have some friends testing it to get some ideas for my own server Please answer ASAP, thank you!
The maximum characters the SA:MP chat can output is 128 or 256 I think.
Never mind, this has been fixed. Thread can be locked.
Make sure that you don't have more than one server folder. If you have another pawno folder, it can conflict.
Nope, I forgot to add them to the topic. The forwards are there. I don't use filterscripts, everything runs from the gamemode but the dialogs aren't work still. Edit: I have edited the first post.
Me and my friend have made this Anti AFK sytem but it doesn't seem to show the dialog. Here is the code: pawn Код: /*Declared New*/new AFK_Timer[MAX_PLAYERS];new AFK_Kick_S[MAX_PLAYERS];new acs...
Thanks Stront, one reputation from me
Thank you for the quick response. Could you walk me through on how to do that ? I tried using a boolean value but that wasn't successful
Hi, I need a little help with my radio system. Is there a function I can use to detect if an audio stream is playing ? I have the command /stopradio - This can be used even when there is no audio s...
Show the command that you are receiving the error on. You can't expect us to help you if you don't show your problem.
You haven't returned the command so it gives the SERVER: Unknown Command. pawn Код: if(strcmp("/zivot", cmdtext) == 0){     SetPlayerHealth(playerid,100); // Nastavi zivot na 100     SendC...
Your plugins are either out of date or you are missing the "main() { }".
Try using this: pawn Код: CMD:kick(playerid, params[]){    new string[128];    new reason[128];    new id;    if(sscanf(params, "us[128]", id, reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ...
Would be more efficient to use enums instead of defining them as variables. Something like this: pawn Код: enum pInfo{    pScore,    pKills,    pDeaths}new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; ...
Hi, I have added you on Skype to try and help you resolve this issue. Kind regards, Sean - sniperwars
For things like this, I think you need to use the OnPlayerUpdate callback to actually remove the player from the vehicle. Not sure if this code works as it is untested. Test it and let me know! pawn...
Wow, nice gamemode man. Keep up the good work!
To make the that textdraw update, you need a function to get the vehicle's speed and make sure it updates the textdraw with a timer. I'm not sure if I am 100% right about this. If I am wrong, someone ...
The error line was: pawn Код: COMMAND:opensdgate(playerid) This line should be: pawn Код: COMMAND:opensdgate(playerid, params[]) So you can try this: pawn Код: COMMAND:opensdgate(play...