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Do not underestimate the Russian roleplay community. A simple youtube search will find videos reaching 10'000's of views on the same day and tons of comments as they're put out. Same thing in another ...
There is nothing wrong with this mod as an engine to build your own gamemodes. It still functions exceptionally for what it does, there is amazing stability, player sync, etc. Unfortunately, the engli...
I had this happen to me once and it is a horrible thing. I even had someone have a similar experience that's a well known coder here who was coding me a server 10 years ago who lost the script in a si...
I have had good experiences with them in mitigating small-mid sized attacks pretty effectively and consistently (twice a week). It depends on what location you host with them. https://www.nfoservers....
No this means you are missing the MySQL plugin or you are using the wrong version that your script is compiled with.
This means you are missing plugins or they are not being located correctly. Run the nativechecker to find out which are missing.
This is the problem here. EstaAutorizado has to be equal to true. Or you could always comment the line with a // before it if you are okay with Level 5 Admin's all having access to that command.
You must still have not properly assigned the variable to your account / MySQL row. Or maybe its an RCON command. Showing the code would be helpful.
I'm not quite sure. Please try to remove , from after armor and try again.
It does use plugins I can see SSCANF and Streamer in your log. I believe this is most likely your issue "[22:34:37] Loading plugin: streamer [22:34:37] Failed." Please upload the streamer plugin dl...
Are you sure it is lagging because of the resources and not a result of some networking problem with the provider? Alot of this will depend on your script and factors such as amount of NPC's which I h...
I see no reason why it could not be an option IF Kalcor can easily implement it as so. If it will make people happy to have both as an option I do not see the problem. Variety is the spice of life.
Quote: Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus Well I know the streamer plugin causes it to happen but it's indeed a SAMP bug I even talked with Incognito on IRC about this today here is what he s...
You've always helped me out Gamer_Z.. I appreciate it. I will try your advice and some of my own thoughts and see how it goes. new Text:HelloWorld[MAX_PLAYERS] = {_:INVALID_TEXTDRAW_ID,...}; That ty...
Quote: Originally Posted by T0pAz Same ID or placeholder problem. Explain this in more detail. Quote: Originally Posted by Unte99 No code - no help, other than that, it's j...
What can cause textdraws to appear malformed or out of place for nearly every textdraw when it was fine a couple of weeks ago? What could cause this? I added some new textdraws but I don't get why th...
See player hitting ground multiple times doing animation.. Used to work in previous script version. Only way to fix it to set health to 1.. Its like it just refuses to respawn unless I reset the HP.. ...
I've been trying to think of a way around this but I've been lost I need to have it PauseRecordingPlayback(npcid) from the main gamemode but I haven't been able to do it. I haven't been able to think ...
We've handled DDoS attacks pretty well at Volt Host.. We had certain servers which had enemies that had a big enough botnet to shut down the switch at the datacenter shutting off several other dedicat...