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Make a stock for it, ie. stock MoveObjects(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Speed) { MoveObject(obj1, X, Y, Z...) MoveObject(obj2, X, Y, Z...) }
pawn Код: #define MAX_SHIP_OBJECTS 7 // 6+1new shipobject[MAX_SHIP_OBJECTS];shipobject[0] = CreateObject(9585, -1024.33, -282.61, 7.56,   0.00, 0.00, 97.62); shipobject[1] = CreateObjec...And to ...
What I did was that I made the page in Croatian, and then I made a folder called "eng" and in side I copied all the pages and I manually translated them. Works great, you only need to update the links...
Try this pawn Код: if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassPolice || APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassSRT) // Check if the player isn't speeding Cops and SRT shouldn't be able to...
Well, I have this in OnVehicleStreamIn() pawn Код: public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid){        new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective            GetVehicleParam...
I have a problem. I want the car to spawn locked, but instead every time it spawns unlocked. I don't see what's causing it. This is my OnFilterScriptInit() pawn Код: // Create additional police c...
I need it not to return anything, because I have a same command in the game mode, and if the engine command returns 1 in the FS, the game mode one doesn't even get checked.
Is it possible to make the compiler ignore the warnings, and doesn't shows them every time I compile a FS? Код: warning 209: function "cmd_engine" should return a value I know, simple Return 1; a...
Okay, I'll use timers then. I got it working and all.
I know that, but it moves the object in a straight line. I would like it to move the object in a set path, like forward, right, forward, left, back etc...
Is it possible to move an object on a set path, without the use of timers? I mean, like going in circle etc. Is there a code snippet somewhere around here? Thanks.
I think I'll leave those three objects out of the streamer, won't cause much problems.
MoveDynamicObject doesn't have the RotX, Y, Z option, and it sets it to 0, instead of 270 as I set it. :/
Well it works but the rotation is messed up :/
I have a problem with move object. Everything else works, the messages are show and animations are applied like it should to but the objects don't move. I use Incognito's Streamer. OnPlayerKeyStateC...
pawn Код: OnGameModeInit(){         new LastVehicleID1 = Vehicle_AddStatic(VehiclePoliceLVPD, 2282.0, 2477.0, 11.0, 180, random(126), random(126), 600);         new light1 = CreateObject...
pawn Код: new light = CreateObject( 18646,0,0,0,0,0,0,80 ); // <iVO>AttachObjectToVehicle( light, LastVehicleID, 0.300000, -0.100000, 0.699999, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ); // <iVO
Is there a function that will return to me a realistic speed? I have the following one, but it seems like 50mph is reached too fast. pawn Код: stock GetPlayerSpeed(playerid, bool:kmh){  new Floa...