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Thanks, however it saves the vehicle ID as 1 not 465 (for example) and also if the server goes down it restarts at file 0 again.
Quote: Originally Posted by Robo_N1X try to change like this: pawn Код: for(new i = 1; i <= MAX_VEHICLES; i++) i think its because the first vehicle's id is 1 and MAX_VEHICLES defin...
Thanks for the response, what should I change it to to prevent this?
Hello, yeah I tried making a vehicle saving system. This is my first attempt: pawn Код: command(savevehicle, playerid, params[]){    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] >= 4)    {        if...
Hey guys hit a problem and I'm not seeing how to fix it. I know the script sees the symbol as not used, but I can't see why, can someone else take a quick look? pawn Код: warning 203: symbol is n...
Mmm Would this work for my rent weapon system? Thanks for the response btw.
I know you can set the timer for a player, using SetTimerEx or SetTimer but when the player logs out and logs in the timer will reset. I was wondering how I could stop the timer when the player logs o...
What letter would an IP be in Sscanf? pawn Код: if(sscanf(params, "?", ip))
48 hours. bump EDIT: I think it is because the map isn't loading properly before the player spawns. EDIT AGAIN: FIXED. If anyone else has this problem then /save and get the co-ords. Use IsPlayerInR...
Try pawn Код: new PedSkins[][] = { EDIT: "to retrieve the array size you can use sizeof PedSkins ;" Taken from
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_RED, "Admins {colour code here}online );
Sorry for the double post but this is a question related to the topic, if I changed pawn Код: dini_IntSet(Userfile, "Admin", PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin]); To: pawn Код: dini_Set(Userfile, "...
Yes. That's taken directly from my script so it should work.
You won't see it, only other players can
pawn Код: new Text3D:label[MAX_PLAYERS]; pawn Код: label[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel("Grove",COLOUR_GREEN,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0);Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(label[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0....
Yes the user is created, but when the player disconnects sometimes it saves and other times it doesn't. It just decides when and when not to save. It does that for everyone but the worst ID to be effe...
It just is not saving for ID 0 or that's what is appearing to happen. I think the whole thing is bugged to be honest as sometimes it saves and other times it doesn't. Can someone take a look I would a...