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I just don't get that #emit. So, all data and addresses are stored on some stack/heap, right? And with #emit you control that data?
Thank you ****** so much. So if I want to connect to my database file remotley I just enter the IP address and the path to my DB file on that host? What I mean is:
Hey guys. So what's better to use, SQLite or MySQL? And by that I mean what to use when your server has UCP or some other things on web host which is somehow connected with the server.
Okay. Thanks for explaining that to me.
Oh, I see. Thanks for the explanation. I thought that PostgreSQL was some kind of editor for SQL language. And one more question. Database management systems use SQL language for creating databases o...
Hey guys. Can someone explain to me what's a PostgreSQL and what is it for? And can I use it for SA:MP SQLite somehow?
Great work, Kalcor. It has some pretty nice new options to do. Keep up with the good work.
I want to hash my password in SELECT like this: pawn Код: mysql_format(1, g_Query, "SELECT * FROM `rpusers` WHERE `Password` = MD5('%e') AND `Username` = '%e' LIMIT 1", inputtext, GetName(playerid...
Okay. Yeah. Now I understand what the problem is. BTW, your msg variable should be a string, not an integer. So, instead of: pawn Код: msg It should be: pawn Код: msg[80]
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** Yes you DO need to put "* 60", otherwise "7" will only give 7 seconds, not 7 minutes. That's right. I mixed up seconds and minutes. Thanks for the cor...
Of course the result is the same because you send SMS to yourself. Try sending it to some other player.
Just add: pawn Код: break; After: pawn Код: SCM(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW2,str1); It stops the loop because the number is unique for each player.
Just before your y_uvar include type this: pawn Код: #define MODE_NAME "yourModeName"
Here is the example for your command: pawn Код: SetTimer("Over", time*1000, true); If you want to convert minutes to miliseconds you don't need '*60'. And if you want for timer to repeat you hav...
This is some basic command of that what you want: pawn Код: CMD:payday(playerid, params[]){    if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "[USAGE]: /payday [amount]");    for(ne...
Thanks, Nero_3D. I forgot to remove the re-tag. Quote: Originally Posted by Nero_3D Altought the code looks pretty string, why do you save the data and create the vehicle additionally ? ...
See my hook function: pawn Code: return AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay); That's what I mean by returning a funct...
Hey guys. I have made this hook for AddStaticVehicleEx and I want to ask you can I return function? Here is my hook: pawn Code: stock _GG_AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Fl...
Nope. When 4/5 players enter the server, OnGameModeInit just gets called multiple times.