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Hello again! A would like to share with you a filterscript that I made some time ago. The idea was to make use of new SA-MP function SetVehicleAngularVelocity(...) from SA-MP 0.3b. Some math conversi...
Hey! I made some scripts many months ago, and I would like to release them. I call this one "SA-MP Visuals". This take advantage of new function from SA-MP 0.3a 'SetPlayerDrunkLevel(...)' and TextDra...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder Multiple as in different indexes? Already possible. Or if you literally mean layers - won't happen. The texture indexes are built in to the SA engine, w...
I downloaded the RC3 of 0.3.7 and ran it only with supplied filterscripts and default gamemode. Found some issues: I don't know is it considered normal. I fell through the wall. This happened w...
What is the purpose of making this macro? There's still a "stock" declaration before the macro.
This is because property returns packed string. You need to unpack it (with strunpack()), when using format(), or working on it.
Doesn't SA-MP support GTA United?
- Added OnPlayerClickMap pawn callback. - Disabled AllowAdminTeleport and AllowPlayerTeleport. - You can use the GTA ~k~ constants in client messages and 3d text labels. - Fixed potential client cr...
There are few existing bugs: 1) nitro and hydraulics doesn't work on some cars, vehicles; 2) can't BSM/iBSM
Allow nitro & hydraulics for all vehicles, please. It was working fine before the 0.3. What's wrong? Make vehicles remember their position and rotation, so if they disappeared, they will go back o...
Those RC have many good features. The game is now a lot smoother, there's new functions, ... . What's with vehicle bugs (rotation, colors, models desynchronized, nitro, hydraulics not working on some ...
Quote: Originally Posted by leong124 Update: I've tested the bugs in the list with 0.3d RC1, and found that item 1 and 14 should be fixed. Item 10 is halfly fixed that you can only see sni...
Check, whether you included "" previously. NPC scripts can't contain a_samp library.
There's lot of people scripting pawn. Isn't there someone using Notepad++?
You do alot mess with brackets and indentations. You should read Mean's help few more times carefully.
There is a temporary solution to problem with RepairVehicle adding wheel at the tail of the Stuntplane (#13). See the code: pawn Код: /* Description:    Prevent form adding 2 unnecessary back w...
Quote: Originally Posted by Johnny_Xayc Added Map Editor in SAMP Debug! + separate minimap object included, similar to that map in Area 69. Also I like the idea from Map Andreas plugin...
That's right. It isn't possible since SA-MP 0.3. Although that was great feature in earlier versions. I hope it will be restored.