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alright thank you so much, really appreciate it Edit: i made some pickups, and when someone enters it, it disappears and its gone for everyone else also, how can i fix this? Код: OnFilterScriptI...
okay i did that and now when i send a message ingame, its comming double
Quote: Originally Posted by HazardouS pawn Код: SetTimer("CarDel", 50000, true);forward CarDel();public CarDel(){    for(new v = 0; v < MAX_VEHICLES; v++) //loop through all vehic...
Hey, I made destroyvehicle function with timer but i need it to be only destroying the unused vehicles in virtual world 0, if i have the timer enable, it will destroy all vehicles, including those who...
nop, it aint, its stock, but i found out of it anyways, i just had forgotten to add "DisableInteriorEnterExits();" under OnGameModeInIt. Thanks for the help anyways
its pickups and interiors, not a building. if you go to the, lets say ammonation, you can actually walk inside and buy guns, how i get that away?
Hey, when i created my server i deleted the properties and vehicle folder in scriptfiles, i still got the original properties from GTA SA (SP), how do I remove those?
and yes btw, i mean a IRC channel on the mibbit network.
hmm, ok, then i have no clue, no clue on whats wrong :L
I have made it before ******, but now i have no clue why it wont work? maybe its a mIRC setup?
Yes SaYrOn, we have bought host, so i cant really see the consol chat :L and yes its is added to the server.cfg
hey guys, im making a mibbit channel, but it wont connect to the server. I have uploaded every file to the host, but it wont connect to the server. any help? the channel is called #uD im on there now...
ye, ik but if its possible to get it away, i would rather do that, but is it possible to get it away and still be able to use the cmd? edit: i fixed it with putting stock in front of it, like "stock ...
but i need that for the /lspec cmd the spectate system
why do i get this? what did i forget to add? ZxG server\filterscripts\lux.pwn(13450) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "dcmd_lspec" ZxG server\filterscripts\lux.pwn(13450) : warning 203: symbol is ...
But how do i make them as a string then -.- ?
Quote: Originally Posted by Cjgogo pawn Код: dini_IntSet(pfile,"Name",PlayerInfo[playerid][Name]);dini_IntSet(pfile,"Password",PlayerInfo[playerid][Password]); still dont the file...
Hey, im makign register system, gone make adm and vip system. ect, but it wont save, i have no errors, so i have no clue why. any1 that can help out a noobie? Код: //*****************************...
Quote: Originally Posted by RanSEE I think you havent numbered the Player Saving Variable's yet isnt it? it should be done now: Код: //********************************************...