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Quote: Originally Posted by Pizzy Make it like this, not (!response) Код: if( response ) { /// ini loading shit etc etc } ...
Well.. I was following a tutorial about creating a registration system, but seems like there's a bug or something in my code and I have no idea what is causing it. If somebody chooses the 2nd option w...
May god be with you all, it got fixed. I can't believe what a silly mistake it was, thanks a lot.
The title is pretty much self explanatory, I can't get this command to work from 4 days so far. The code is below, I have no idea what was done wrong, but any help is appreciated, like..really. I have...
I figured out the problem, c++ redistributable visual studio 2015 is required for some strange reason. And it gives me an error when I am trying to install it so RIP hopes of loading this streamer.
Before I start, I'd like to mention that I have the latest version of the streamer, added #include <streamer> on top of my gamemode, run no filterscripts so there is no point in adding the #incl...
The splitting here works but there is a new problem(or more like a bug?) The second message is not full which means that if I for example write "/me reaches into the left pocket of his jacket and take...
Tried it but still no effect. PHP код:     if(strcmp(cmd, "/me", true) == 0)     {         new strmsg[128];         new strmsgex[128];         GetPlayerNam...
Thank you for taking your time to help me with this but I have zero clue how to use it, sorry if that's an irritating question but is it possible to implent your code into the ProxDetector as most of ...
Thanks for linking the include but I don't use zcmd(sorry if this sounded lame). I really don't understand OneDay's comment, what do you mean to use only one of the stated 3 functions? I've seen the s...
The title pretty much speaks for itself, I tried what not but I can't get it working. I am mainly trying to split the messages in the common commands like /me /do /shout etcetera which Proxdetector mo...
Quote: Originally Posted by Micko123 Glad you fixed it but for future When you are making stock like this PHP код: stock SendFactionMessage(DeptName,name,result[],faction2, factio...
Quote: Originally Posted by EnzoMetlc You should to declare "DeptName" and "Name" as array. pawn Код: stock SendFactionMessage(DeptName[], name[], result[], faction2, faction3) And i...
I have no idea how to fix the error, any help is appreciated. PHP код: #define POLICE 2 #define AP 3     if(strcmp(cmd, "/dr", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/dept", true) == 0) Â...
I have tried creating a dept radio system which includes two factions, but the problem is the following thing, the first faction which is the police one can use the command and receive messages from t...
My server has 3 factions, and for some reason the first one(OG) is being bugged. Randomly the player will spawn with no weapons and armour due and the server will receive a warning "[debug] Run time e...
The one I've given you is an example, the player will just stay there in an injured position as that's what I've understood from the post you did. What else do you need, a command to help the downed p...
Use GetPlayerPos under OnPlayerDeath and put SetPlayerPos with the X Y Z under OnPlayerSpawn, don't forget to get the virtual world and interior too in case the player dies in one. You can also add To...
Hello, this is a simple death and corpse system I made in one day as I was bored. I mainly created it because I was looking around for one but nothing was what I wanted, simple to edit and use. It has...