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i think its might be because you have two different things named "losehp"... change one of them... or the function or the timer
i don't have much time to go over your script but i noticed that all of your "SendClientMessageToAll" have only color... you suppose to add string to show... for example: Quote: SendClient...
you forgot ')' for the "if"... replace: Quote: if(GetVehicleParamsEx(veh,engine,lights,alarm,door s,bonnet,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF,objective))
65 people are hard.... anyway... show what are the lines with the errors...
make sure you have the same return at the OnDialogResponse... in all the FSes and the GM
foreach... because for(the loop) goes over all the players... and foreach goes through the online players
add this at the top of the command... pawn Код: if(/*Check if player isn't an admin*/) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"You are not an admin!");
tnx... if there's any problems/bugs post here... enjoy :]
you mean like this? pawn Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[]){    return 0;// players can't post...}
try this pawn Код: dcmd_mute(playerid,params[]){    new id,reason[128],pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],file[128];    if(PInfo[playerid][Level] < 3) return 0;    if(sscanf(params,"is[128]",id,reaso...
so save the cars info in a file and laod it.. into dmCars[MAX_VEHICLES]; and check if the car is dm car... if(dmCars[vehid]==1) then it'll destroy them...
You can add how much you want... (for more edit MAX_ANSWERS)... and you can add only 2 or 3... after you add the 2 and you at the third answer instead of add do "Start Vote"
Tnx guy :]... Added Pics... Note: You Choose the answers, at the second pic you write the answer and this appears again and again untill you click "Start Vote" or it reaches the maximum answers... E...