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Yeah, I just noticed that I did that... Well, at least I can use sscanf to split, lets say coordinates which are saved in one field after loading it with cache_get_field_content_* Код: 1st field |...
Hi, I was fooling around a little bit and I came across a obsticle that I cannot seem to overcome... How can I load mysql r39 data with sscanf? I tried it like this: pawn Код: mysql_format(databa...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince That's because you always fetch row 0. Replace that with the loop counter (i). Damn, didn't notice that. Thanks.
I'm trying to print all the bans with the same ip,it detects the number of the same ban IPs, but it just prints out the first one's data. pawn Код: mysql_format(database, query, sizeof(query), "S...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** The problem is that the player doesn't die, you just return them. ForceClassSelection only resets when you DIE, not when you select a new class. Just a...
After a player goes off admin duty the script forces his class selection, and if he dies he is prompted into Class Selection again, this happens after the event too... Код: . . . case 1: // <-...
You could use MapAndreas
bump. 1 day has passed. I still haven't found the solution to this.
Код: [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [debug] Accessing element at index 61 past array upper bound 46 [debug] AMX backtrace: [debug] #0 00023120 in public WeaponSpawningBitch...
Hi, could someone help me and explain.... I've made a diagram, but... I've tried and couldn't succeed.
pawn Код: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,19343,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Owner", string,  "Back", ""); (playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[]) you were missing the 2n...
sorry, never mind. I forgot to get the id from the database... if anyone else has this kind of problem just use cache_get_field_content to get the id from the database (if your caching)
mysql log Код: [20:27:25] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::~CMySQLResult() - deconstructor called [20:27:36] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 128, format: "UPDATE igraci SET `admin`=%d, `donator`=%...
Hello, I've managed somehow to make an /pm id msg + /pm on/off so now my problem is the overflow. pawn Код: CMD:pm(playerid, params[]){    CMDUse = 0;    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], id, name2[M...
When i log in , it writes normal , but when i make changes in the .ini file it writes again when i relog . example : Code: [Info] Pass = (THE LONG HASH CODE) Administrator = 2 Donator = 1 Money = 100...
Ok the first problem is a gate , it wont open or close here's the code : Top of script : pawn Код: new adgate; In GamemodeInit pawn Код: adgate = CreateObject(2990,1208.5999755859,-2036.599...
pawn Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/spawncar", true, 10) == 0){    if (IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))        {        new String[200];        new tmp[256];        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;...
i have a problem with the user files too, it was normal (/register password) , then i moved it onto dialog and it just saves the passwords and not rest of the stuff
Okay i enter the server normally and when i exit the client exits too ... Heres the OnPlayerDisconnect Код: public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED,...