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Well, then I see there no point to create it. Want to know also which functions stands for etc :<
Is there any system or a way you can explain me how to create one? I want to do a phone system. I created a pick up, but nothing happens there. How can I add there, that a guy if he is doing /buy pho...
Well, I've created an pickup for Cops where they can choose their skin. But well, I got a error. I want to do that, if they choose the "Next", they should come a next skin, and again if they do next a...
Whats the ID/Name of the small building, with the glasses, to find it on mta? I searched 3hours for it on MTA, didnt find Can anyone find it? Would be so glad
Well, I've created an pickup for Cops where they can choose their skin. But well, I got a error. I want to do that, if they choose the "Next", they should come a next skin, and again if they do next a...
no, but my selfmade script needs jobs too. Otherwhise it doesnt become reallife. Please help ^.^
Is there any job system? Can anyone help me please? I cant do it, read everything on wikipedia but still cant do it. I want to create a job system. I created a pickup, if the player does /jobs there c...
Is there any job system? Can anyone help me please? I cant do it, read everything on wikipedia but still cant do it. I want to create a job system. I created a pickup, if the player does /jobs there c...
PHP код: public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid) {     for(new i = 0;i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) // cyc. 'for'     { // opening     new Float:tmpx, Float:tmpy,...
And how do I save it on dini, also that it shows up by doing /stats? Could anyone do this?
Quote: Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan You're actually freezing the player at the end of the "registration step". pawn Код: TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0);//Unfreezes the pla...
so I should change the first one to 0 that he gets freezed and the last one to 1 for unfreeze? And hey, which step do you mean now. The last Unfreezing? By male & Female?
Hey, I got an error. If I join my own server, it asks me which Age. After answering the Age it gets to the next question, Whats your Sex. If I enter male / female there, there comes then: thanks for f...
dont know what now to replace, can you write whole code what to replace and say where? Thanks
Quote: Originally Posted by admantis both parts but i'll keep reading the code till i find error You're great mate, thanks in advance btw. I need to go off soon, school :S! Going to ta...
Quote: Originally Posted by admantis I changed ''TogglePlayerControllable'', 0 is for unfreezing and 1 is for freezing. Anyways, what's your problem? I tried doing it that way, you even te...
so what did you change there? Still the same
Hey, I got an error. If I join my own server, it asks me which Age. After answering the Age it gets to the next question, Whats your Sex. If I enter male / female there comes nothing, it pops up only ...