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Yes, i have isplayerconnected. What do you mean by PreLoading?
Okay, So i am using: pawn Код: ApplyAnimation(i, "DANCING", "dance_loop", 6.0, 1, 0, 0, 1,0); for the winning team, and a other animation for the losing team. My m8(losing team) could see himself...
Mmmh but how was that done with that avatar?
Quote: Originally Posted by DeathOnaStick Open a new file with your needed size, drag the picture in and just place it like you need it, which means you drag the little squares at the edge...
I see you didn't get my question. Here a better example, See this gif image. How to convert this into photoshop and then put in a new avatar?
I know how to make animations in photoshop... I mean a excisting .gif image into photoshop. like this avatar i posted, and that into a bigger file for example, Hope you understand me
I am wondering how to do this with photoshop. (to make a moving image into a excisting image.) Thanks
Yes but when you have nobody to spectate it will just simply look at the bridge.
They should spectate nobody. Just look at the river xD
Ok, i also discovered that the spectating still only works for id 0 :S
Thanks allot, Do you know the mistake of the animation to?
Nobody will do the animation when this get's called.. and only id 0 will be spectating Hope someone can help me pawn Код: EndTheGame(WinID){    PlaySoundForAll(1183);    if(WinID == team1)Â...
I can't connect to the forums to anymore. For 2 weeks already
Ok, i've done this but no positive result
I just discovered that the wiki won't load to. So **** links won't load for me. i just restarted my internet but it didn't work. Please help me with this asap!
Quote: Originally Posted by RealCop228 Do you have any other PC's in your residence which are able to connect? If so, what web browser are you using on the PC having the issues? Yes, i'...
Well, everytime i try to connect to the sa-mp forums it keeps telling me, Unable to connect to... Etc, I tryed to ping the website's ip and it gave me just time-outs. I hope anybody would be able to...
Oh i am sorry, I thought you meaned to move the chat, my bad :S