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How is it possible to freeze a player in mid-air so that they will not fall to the ground? Mainly need it to allow interiors to load before they can move, tried TogglePlayerControllable however they f...
I've also tried Код: #define MAX_HOUSE 50 new HouseInfo[MAX_HOUSE][hInfo]; for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++) { if(HouseInfo[h][hOwned] == 0) { AddSta...
Код: public LoadSQLProperty() { new arrCoords[32][32]; new sql[80], row[512]; format(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM property"); samp_mysql_query(sql); //if (DEBUG) SQLLog(sql); samp...
As said in the first post, there is only one pickup appearing - This is for the very first entrance, the other 39 are not appearing - The pickup count does increase, however.
Database has the coordinates for the entrance for 40 houses, I'm trying to use the information pulled from the database to create a pickup for each of the houses in that particular table.
So, it displays the pickup at the entry for house number '0', there are in total 40 houses. Can anyone shed some light on as to why this is? Thanks! Код: for (new idx=0; idx<totalhouses; idx...
Could you add the includes in the package? sorry. :P