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Alright. I, no, actually, my anticheat recently discovered that if you drop from a bike with less than 5 hp, they will get restored back to 5.
It fails to rdns most of the IP-adresses. Anything else I could use?
Quote: Originally Posted by XemyL И привет рекурсия. pawn Код: public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason){    //...    if(reason < 2) Kick(playerid);    retur...
Quote: Originally Posted by stabker exclide1, а что за "фейк дисконнект" вообще? Подробнее об этом можно? Это функция все в ...
Hello. I'm using ALS hooking method, I have an include with bunch of: Код: stock AC_SetPlayerHealth(playerid,Float:amount) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "Synced", GetTickCount()); SetPVarFloat(pl...
Quote: Originally Posted by Pk93 we need your lines to see whats wrong my man I have a few lines... But they seem fine to me. Quote: try searc...
Hello. I have a bug that occurs very rarely, and because of that, it's hard to find the reason why it does. Here's what happens: 1 out of 100 times, when you die, you won't spawn and your camera will ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dopefull Let me help you out here, enter your server with any name then press > security word or something, then just type something random and voilа you ha...
Quote: Originally Posted by [UG]Daniel its rly easy to hack LuxAdmin Quote: Originally Posted by xXitsgodzillaXx Lux - VERY EASY to hack\account security breaches Really?...
This will lock vehicles depending on their model ID's and also check, if the player is driving locked vehicle (hax). Alright, I'll explain each line on the line! Note: I'll be using YSI's command proc...
Alright, I'll start off by saying that I'm new to scripting, so my code will be ugly, but it should work! If you have suggestions to improve it, please tell. I'll be using Streamer plugin and YSI\y_c...
Hello. If you have custom enex system and few interiors with the same ID, you have too create virtual worlds, so the inside pickup will teleport you correctly. But, what do you do if you want to add N...
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); SetVehicleToRespawn(vehicleid);
Are you using old version of streamer? Because it should be like this: Код: public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { if(checkpointid == ordi1) { // } if(checkpointid == ordi2...
Quote: Originally Posted by Champ didn't worked perfectly... Код: public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Logged") == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid...
Код: if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Logged") == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You need to /register.");
Hello. I've got a problem with my anticheat. I have it on a repeative 3 sec timer: pawn Код: forward CheckHealth(playerid);public CheckHealth(playerid){    GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Float:gHeal...
Add the filterscript first in the server.cfg "filterscripts" line, like this: Код: filterscripts LuxAdmin Or change the return 1 on OnDialogResponse in all of your filtetscripts to return 0.
Quote: Originally Posted by _Zeus Go to ******* if you have an account and upload a video, it gives 1000+ ping. It's not necessary to wait for the video to be uploaded, you can cancel it a...
Hello. I need this for debugging my anticheat of false-positives. Any way I could increase my ping to localhost?