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I've seen in the forum a second chat for SAMP.. It appears in the right side of the screen.. Can someone tell me the link?
I need to make VIP Levels.. 0-10.. To a Stunt/Drift/etc Lan server.. I need the cmd to /makevip and Save/Load on PlayerConnect..
It's very nice.. Now the new scripters can make their own by studing this one! 9/10 Next time add more cmds
To Darklom: I start scripting about 2/3 moths.. I'm not new-new... but you can say im starting.. To shaikh007:It's good to see that someone uses something that we make.. XD.. I've a Drift Server to.....
Quote: Originally Posted by Markx I would suggest you to read about both command processors here: Zcmd: Dcmd: https://sampforum.blast.h...
Nope.. it still doesn't work... I've already try this pawn Код: #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if (!strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == '\0') && (dcmd_%1(playerid, ""...
@Edit Here is the full FS pawn Код: #define FILTERSCRIPT#include <a_samp>#include <dini>//#include <dutils>#include <sscanf>#include <zcmd>//COLOUR DEFINES#define v...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sr.Pekeno VINI: e vem ca quando vc estб morrendo e nгo da tempo de vc digitar nada como que vc digita /timestamp para fazer uma denuncia? Pq por min atй eu ...
Yea.. In OnPlayerDeath make the camera look to where you want (Wall, Sea, Air, etc) and make a timer on PlayerRespawn..
Maybe new scripter... Next time he will try to make it better.. that's the way... Improve!
Ok... Fiko ligado durante mais 2 horas.. depois disso vou dormir...
Nao... cada Public tem uma { a abrir um return 1 ou 0; para defenir se й verdadeiro ou falso e outra } para fechar.. Exemplo: pawn Код: public OnGameModeInit(){//Abrir a public..//Aqui й inseri...
LOL!!! Quando disses-te que tinha dado erro nao pensava que tinhas posto as CustomPickups dentro de OnGameModeInit.. claro que nao se coloca uma Public dentro de outra... Й cortar de uma e colar na o...
The colors mean the magnitude of the prices. Light colors for cheap and strong and dark (red) for something more $$$.. XD
Tanks! Finally a comment!! I wanted to put more colors but It appears something saying that it was to big..
I'm here (Again) to present the 2nd version of my Weapon Sistem.. I make it in 1 hour +-.. Pics: Colors: ->Light Blue ($0 to $500) ->Green ($500 to $2000) ->Yellow ($2000 to $5000) ->...
Quote: Originally Posted by [WT]Kristijan Yea LOL Not bad...your first FS ? Yeap :P... Srry but im not english.. Im Portuguese! With half Proud! XD
What is it: It's a easy Buy Weapon System for DM Servers. You can make it for RP/RPG by makeing it private to a org/gang or admin/vip Features: Juste write "/buyweapon" in-game.. The prices...
Thanks for the complements Kitten 1 post in 2 days... New record!