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You should post the code of the gamemode side as well. Since they produce different results, we need to be able to compare what these scripts are doing.
Unfortunately most functions from the standard Pawn libraries (also including user defined functions) and SA:MP natives are not compatible with packed strings.
Quote: Originally Posted by Thomas. Howdily doodily fellow SA:MP'er! I am looking for SA:MP enthusiasts willing to help me test a neat project. Please send me a PM with some basic details...
Howdily doodily fellow SA:MP'er! I am looking for SA:MP enthusiasts willing to help me test a neat project. Please send me a PM with some basic details (your SA:MP experience in general, timezone, an...
I've written a few quick and dirty regular expressions I used to convert my own scripts. You can use these in practically any editor which supports regular expression replacements (I used Notepad++). ...
That most likely isn't going to work for him, he utilizes an entirely different user management system.
What does your PlayerName2() function look like?
Your logic flow is defect: you are trying to alter the password at the very beginning of the logic, before any validation has occured and some of the essential data isn't available yet (not to mention...
That is exactly what the warning is telling you. You are assigning a value to those variables with the "Create3DTextLabel" function, but you aren't doing anything with them afterwards. "symbol is ass...
Quote: Originally Posted by Johnson_boy I have never tested that, but I believe this bug could occur. There is no sense to make the cost so high that it'd take more than a second to finish...
Quote: Originally Posted by BigETI Since the thread which runs the server scripts actually won't fire a disconnect call to the scripts during expensive calculations. Which means Player A c...
I think I may have found an issue, but I'm not completely sure about it, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Imagine the following scenario: Player A joins the server, and enters his correct password...
Because the variable "level" is of an integer datatype. But you told sscanf that you are expecting a string. pawn Код: if(sscanf(params,"i", level))
You are probably already using the same dialog ID in another script (perhaps your gamemode) and thus most likely not returning 0, or you are not returning 0 in the callback in your other script(s) at ...
Instructions to download the source code can be found here: https://code.******.com/p/sa-mp-mysq...ource/checkout
Nope, same problem here. AndreT seems to have found a fix/workaround for it, but unfortunately no luck here.
Although it may not be directly related to your problem, it's still something you might want to correct. pawn Код: new banned[1];     mysql_get_field("banned", banned); The field 'banned' in ...
It seems that you must be logged in as a RCON admin to be able to use these commands. Also note that you are returning 0 even if a command was successfully executed, causing the 'Unknown command' mes...