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Index this, wher you see the errors. if: new toilettimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new toilettimer2[MAX_PLAYERS]; When you use toilettimer for player, do it like this: toilettimer[playerid]
I have to fix separate doors, boot, bonnet of a vehicle but can not. Because it does not fix the only one in its entirety or not at all. Give an example WORKING script, what will fix my mask. Huh?
This function is bugged. Any sugestions?
Hi. 'm looking for something that will allow the repair of single elements of the vehicle - that is, editions of damage of vehicle. Do you have for me to include some that will repair the single compo...
I use audio plugin v0.5, not SA-MP 0.3d! By the way, how to stop the 0.3d handleid in samp? To turn off a playback for the player - the playback.
I am downloading the player positions in the code above, everything is as it should. Why handleid after saving the enum, and later reading is 0 and which ones should not?
What could be wrong, that handleid not want to move in an enum, or bugged in the way that saves me and when handleid I want to delete this item 3d enum returns 0?
I must use audio plugin v0.5, why it make me problems? Look at my example, why it don't work? I have audio plugin nygga.
Hi, I have one problem with audio plugin by Incognito V0.5. I have a problem with handleid, exactly the output and input. I use the whole is a portable radio, the so-called boombox. The whole is based...
So how to make music with 3D position players who were run on the specified Virtual World?
I meant something like filterscript, which will load the objects (CreateDynamicObject) from a file in the directory scriptfiles. For example, as is the No Limit Objects (nlo_3b) that the objects are l...
HI! I have a problem with the objects, so I decided to use a streamer Incognito V 2.5.2 and use CreateDynamicObject function. Now there is a problem, you need to somehow load the objects. It would be ...