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God, I love not indented scripts. I eat them in my sleepy nights. Learn to indent or you'll just lose yourself.
You can use GetWeaponName on reason. As reason is the weapon ID that was used to kill, if memory serves me right.
First try to intend your code, it will be easier to see bugs. And no I haven't checked at all at your script. I never check non-indented scripts.
Quote: Originally Posted by yezizhu Quote: Originally Posted by [SAP Francis ] Nothing worked at all in what yezizhu posted. Omg my failed. Код: //edit #define Imp_BanEx...
Nothing worked at all in what yezizhu posted.
Well everything is fine as I said, everything runs. Just the ClientMessage doesn't send. Quote: Originally Posted by pagie1111 did you use Код: SetTimerEx("GLine_Entry",TIME,false,...
Quote: Originally Posted by killdahobo99 Quote: Originally Posted by [SAP Francis ] Why don't you start an localhost server on your computer to test it? lol, you mean like h...
You have a brace which doesn't belong here, that's all I'm saying. pawn Код: new LogOff[MAX_PLAYERS];public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason){    // OnPlayerUpdate(playerid); // This shouldn...
Why don't you start an localhost server on your computer to test it?
Hello there, It doesn't happen often that I ask for help but here I need some. I have set a timer to ban a player after 1 second that he is connected. The ban works perfectly and all. But any client...
Quote: Originally Posted by Paranoja Quote: Originally Posted by Gimax Quote: Originally Posted by Paranoja Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid ) change to, 1 ...
VirtualAdmin 0.1.1b released! Click here to access the site to be able to download.
Hi there, There is no "increased damage" when you hit another bone of the character. However, I think there is an option, in the server's configuration file which is called "instagib", I never tried ...
Hi there, You can use "~n~" to insert a new line. For example, this: Код: ~g~Hello~w~,~n~~b~%s~w~. Would print out: Quote: Hello, %s. Have fun scripting. Kind regards, Francis Morisse...
Hi there, Your problem is from an unclosed function/callback. Which is a bracket problem. We need the whole code to help you out. Have fun scripting. Kind regards, Francis Morissette SA-MP Scripte...
VirtualAdmin 0.1.0 released! Click here to access the site to be able to download.
Hi there, One of your problems here is that "checkgate" is not the same as "CheckGate". PAWN, when used in SA-MP, is case sensitive. Your "SetTimer" line doesn't run the timer as it doesn't find the ...
Hi there, Show us your code or we won't be able to help you out. Have fun scripting. Kind regards, Francis Morissette SA-MP Scripter
Hi there, By the way, this will create a log file for EVERY user that talks. Meaning that if I say "Hi", it will print out "Hi" in "[SAP]Francis.log". Then, if I say "How are you?", the file will now...