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[FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Printable Version

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[FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Striker_Moe - 26.09.2009

|| Advanced mapname and hostname changer ||

Whatґs this FS about?

This filterscript / snippet changes your hostname and/or mapname in a free definable time. You can enter 2 hostnames and mapnames which will be shown up after each other, somebody described it as "flashing".

Spotted a bug?

Although Iґve tested everything, bugs can emerge. If you spot one, please report it in this thread!

Credits & Copyright


.pwn (No amx, you know why )


Have fun playing SA:MP.

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - [XST]O_x - 26.09.2009

Wow nice

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Correlli - 26.09.2009

There's an mistake:

public hostname()
  SendRconCommand("mapname [YOUR FIRST HOSTNAME HERE]");
  SetTimer("hostname", hostnamechangetime, 0);
  return 1;
public hostname2()
  SendRconCommand("mapname [YOUR SECOND HOSTNAME HERE]~ ");
  SetTimer("hostname2", hostnamechangetime, 0);
  return 1;
I suppose you wanted to change hostname, not mapname.
Use "hostname" rcon-command to change hostname.
And also, there's no need for four timers, you can have it in two timers.

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Striker_Moe - 26.09.2009

Fixed, thank you.

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Ozz - 18.10.2009

lol why are you using strtok together with dcmd? I thought dcmd n that stuff was made so you wouldnt have to use strtok..

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - RyDeR` - 18.10.2009

You could use #define to define hostnames..

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Tenshi - 19.03.2010

You made a mistake in 1 of your timers, and made your code smaller:


pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
forward mapname(); forward mapname2(); forward hostname(); forward hostname2();
#define mapnamechangetime 3000 // Change "3000" to the value how often the mapname is changed, 1000 = 1 second
#define hostnamechangetime 3000 // Change "3000" to the value how often the hostname is changed, 1000 = 1 second
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    print(" Advanced mapname and hostname changer ");
    print(" By Mo3 aka TheFailFactor");
    SetTimer("mapname", 3000, 0);
    SetTimer("hostname", 3000, 0);
    return 1;
/*      --- map name 1 ---                       */
public mapname() { SendRconCommand("mapname MAPNAME #1"); return SetTimer("mapname2", mapnamechangetime, 0); }
/*      --- map name 2 ---                        */
public mapname2(){ SendRconCommand("mapname MAPNAME #2"); return SetTimer("mapname", mapnamechangetime, 0); }
/*      --- host name ---                        */
public hostname(){ SendRconCommand("hostname HOSTNAME #1"); return SetTimer("hostname2", hostnamechangetime, 0); }
/*      --- host name 2 ---                       */
public hostname2(){ SendRconCommand("hostname HOSTNAME #2"); return SetTimer("hostname", hostnamechangetime, 0); }

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - Kyosaur - 19.03.2010

Terrible . Use an array to store the strings instead of making separate functions.

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - sushihusi - 19.03.2010


Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - scatalin12 - 20.03.2010


Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - hab2ever - 21.03.2010

nice but simple:
new hn;//global variable

//Under ongamemodeinit
SetTimer("changehost", 3000,1); // it will change the server name after every 3 seconds

forward changehost();
public changehost()
case 0:
SendRconCommand("hostname the name u want");
case 1:
SendRconCommand("hostname the name u want");
case 2:
SendRconCommand("hostname the name u want");
hn = 0;
return 1;

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - [MWR]Blood - 28.03.2010

Very nice!

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - SkyWinder - 28.03.2010

Nice Job

Re: [FS/SNIPPET] Advanced mapname and hostname changer - FLoRyN[RO] - 11.06.2010

Downloaded, tested, some bugs:

This doesn't work, simple just chage one time the hostname not evry 3 seconds how should be, and mapname doesn't change:

Originally Posted by Mo3

.pwn (No amx, you know why )


Have fun playing SA:MP.
And this changes the hostnames but the mapname nope.....:

Originally Posted by Tenshi ™
You made a mistake in 1 of your timers, and made your code smaller:


pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
forward mapname(); forward mapname2(); forward hostname(); forward hostname2();
#define mapnamechangetime 3000 // Change "3000" to the value how often the mapname is changed, 1000 = 1 second
#define hostnamechangetime 3000 // Change "3000" to the value how often the hostname is changed, 1000 = 1 second
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    print(" Advanced mapname and hostname changer ");
    print(" By Mo3 aka TheFailFactor");
    SetTimer("mapname", 3000, 0);
    SetTimer("hostname", 3000, 0);
    return 1;
/*      --- map name 1 ---                       */
public mapname() { SendRconCommand("mapname MAPNAME #1"); return SetTimer("mapname2", mapnamechangetime, 0); }
/*      --- map name 2 ---                        */
public mapname2(){ SendRconCommand("mapname MAPNAME #2"); return SetTimer("mapname", mapnamechangetime, 0); }
/*      --- host name ---                        */
public hostname(){ SendRconCommand("hostname HOSTNAME #1"); return SetTimer("hostname2", hostnamechangetime, 0); }
/*      --- host name 2 ---                       */
public hostname2(){ SendRconCommand("hostname HOSTNAME #2"); return SetTimer("hostname", hostnamechangetime, 0); }
Can you rezolve it?