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I need a teacher :D - Peter_Parker - 24.09.2009

Hi guys

ok m totaly new to scripting bt m lill bit familiar with C++ bt i'm willing to learn it with full dedication
i'm lookin for help from some of u scripting experts to make me understand how it all works
till now i have learned how to make a class selection screen
edit skins, add vehicles
bt thts jus basic

bt wht if i want to make a Role playing server
for example if i want to make cops nd robbers
how should i start it i mean like how to make some cops nd how to add skills
nd how to make some1 rob something or some1 how to add stuff and more coz i believe its not tht difficult bt i jus need to knw how it all works

if u guys can help me den i'll be in ur debt

plzz rep

Re: I need a teacher :D - BMUK - 24.09.2009

Read other game modes, this one is agood starting point since its already a CnR script:

Read the wiki etc.. its not hard to teach yourself

Re: I need a teacher :D - Peter_Parker - 24.09.2009

i have been in wiki bt its really boring reading all tht i searched for some videos the best was shehab's videos i also tried to contact him
bt he didnt responded to my mails
as i was willing to pay too
nd i'm really noob in scripting bt i think i can learn it quickly as m a quick learner jus need some1 to explain the working
once i get to undertand how to do it i'm sure i can create my own gamemodes as i have lots of exciting ideas bt sadly dont knw how to implement thm

Re: I need a teacher :D - Eazy_Efolife - 25.09.2009

PS: I learned by:

Using Wiki
Reading the pawno Manual
and The Most Important one "LEARNING FROM MY MISTAKES"

Those are the 3 steps I learned how to script.

Re: I need a teacher :D - Peter_Parker - 25.09.2009

ok so i will have to learn it by reading all tht on wiki ? tht kinda tough i was hoping some1 would guide me

Re: I need a teacher :D - BMUK - 25.09.2009

You were hoping that someone would sit for hours and hours and hours teaching you when you cant learn fuck all @ the wiki?


Re: I need a teacher :D - Eazy_Efolife - 25.09.2009

Originally Posted by Peter_Parker
ok so i will have to learn it by reading all tht on wiki ? tht kinda tough i was hoping some1 would guide me
If your not willing to be motivated to learn the language just hire a scripter

Originally Posted by BMUK
You were hoping that someone would sit for hours and hours and hours teaching you when you cant learn fuck all @ the wiki?

He wants to learn, so let him learn. but he appears to be lazy.

Re: I need a teacher :D - Peter_Parker - 25.09.2009

actually ur misunderstanding me i have been reading wiki bt there are some lines nd functions dat have got me confused nd i dont want some1 to sit hours nd hours to teach me for free if they agree m willing to pay
its jus dat i'm having a tough time understanding it nd m not being lazy nd all m jus confused how to start nd wht to do

PS dont get me wrong

Re: I need a teacher :D - coole210 - 25.09.2009


Re: I need a teacher :D - Eazy_Efolife - 25.09.2009

Originally Posted by Peter_Parker
actually ur misunderstanding me i have been reading wiki bt there are some lines nd functions dat have got me confused nd i dont want some1 to sit hours nd hours to teach me for free if they agree m willing to pay
its jus dat i'm having a tough time understanding it nd m not being lazy nd all m jus confused how to start nd wht to do

PS dont get me wrong
I'm done with this topic. I told you how, and that's your answer. No one Taught me, I taught myself. If you get confused with the functions then zoom in the screen. If you dont have time to learn. I know how you feel. I have a job, Phone Bills to pay, school. and more stuff. It is very simple to learn. I gave you a link already. its like learning a different language. IF there too many lines, Deal with it. No ones going to change it.