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addstaticv - Printable Version

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addstaticv - [HKS]dlegend - 23.09.2009

is there any program /fs or wat ever to help save time setting car spawns
the creats in ready format to put it straight in the gm

Re: addstaticv - Hiitch - 23.09.2009

By setting car spawns, what do you mean? You want a FS that spawns the cars so you can type /save in them?

Re: addstaticv - [HKS]dlegend - 23.09.2009

yeh i want that aswell but not the id i want a name version

but i mean like a fs that u do a cmd like /save but creates the addstaticvehicle bit to it


Re: addstaticv - mamorunl - 24.09.2009

get simons debug fs and spawn the cars, then get in them, drive to the place where you want them and type /save <possible comment>

then go to your GTASA folder and look up 'savedpositions.txt', there are the full AddStaticVehicle() code in.

Re: addstaticv - silvan - 24.09.2009

you could make these in debug.... just use /v [Model ID] and it spawns near you... then get in it drive to a place where you want it to spawn type /save then you'll find them in savedcordinates.txt in your sa-mp directory. Then open it... and use the find and replace.... to make for example instead of AddStaticVehicle you switch it to CreateVehicle even in pawno you got Find and Replace....